Perhaps we could share a few Common Mark markdown tags we can use to make our posts more readable.
program code
: <code>
program code </code>
inserted code : <ins>
inserted code </ins>
deleted code : <del>
deleted code </del>
marked text : <mark>
marked text</mark>
This is a spoiler blur : This is a [spoiler]
Keyboard keys Ctrl+k : <kbd>
Use <
(‘less than’ symbol) instead of a < to keep phases like <username>
from disappearing because they were confused with being a markdown tag.
quoted text [/quote]
(horizontal rule, must be on its own line and preceding by an extra blank linefeed or it makes the line above into a header)
[grid] ... [/grid]
Arrange images in a table grid instead of 1 image per line. The following grid images have an English and German capture of the same dialogs (although with different database data):