New User registration error (Error 405)

Sorry … my mistake … put it in in a wrong subdir.
Now it is in correct place (.gramps/gramps51/plugins).
But still a problem when starting ’ Tools > Family Tree Processing > Gramps Web Sync

I also maid an Report …

The error text is following:

54085: ERROR: line 173: Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/forsete/.gramps/gramps51/plugins/gramps-addon-webapisync-main/", line 230, in prepare
    self.files_missing_remote = self.get_missing_files_remote()
  File "/home/forsete/.gramps/gramps51/plugins/gramps-addon-webapisync-main/", line 489, in get_missing_files_remote
    missing_files = self.api.get_missing_files()
  File "/home/forsete/.gramps/gramps51/plugins/gramps-addon-webapisync-main/", line 120, in get_missing_files
    with urlopen(req) as res:
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 216, in urlopen
    return, data, timeout)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 525, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 634, in http_response
    response = self.parent.error(
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 563, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 496, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/urllib/", line 643, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error

What is wrong?
Followed the instructions …

It seems that I don’t get any help from this forum.
Question is from where do I get GRAMPS help.
I have installed GRAMPS in Fedora 38. … has been working OK.
I used DigitalOcean 1-Click App.

The errors I get … is it a GRAMPS Web problem or a Python problem of Fedora problem or DigitalOcean problem …
Appreciate help.

It appears to be a problem with the Web server.

Your error log indicates that the addon is sending a request to the API which should return a list media objects with missing files. The associated dcoumentation lists the filemissing parameter and expected return codes.

However, return code 500 is an Internal Server Error which is often beyond the control of the application. Perhaps @DavidMStraub can suggest how to investigate this further.

I don’t like the tone of your message at all. I answered lots of your questions in the last days within hours. Now you have to wait two days and you complain? Are you aware that people here are helping you in their free time and might have a job and life as well?

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You are an early adopter … of Gramps Web. which means the only expert is the developer. He uses this forum and GitHub.

On GitHub, it is probable that he is notified by eMail when messages are posted to his repository there. But Gramps Web was recently folded into the Gramps-Project repository. And he requested this subsection be set up here. With the expectation that users will begin to answer some of the repeat questions and relieve him of that burden.

So it is not assured that signed up for active notification in either place. (Not to mention, Discourse recently had a severe latency glitch begin to affect its notifications.) He probably has to visit different sites and actively look for things needing his expertise to answer. So it is easy to overlook that the question is something only he can currently answer. And he has to carve time out of his personal schedule to experiment and compose answers.

Moreover, you are an early adopter of the DigitalOcean droplet installer. And not even the developers of installers are expert in their use.

They install stuff manually. So when users find the glitches, the developers then have to go test and possibly fix something. Then come back and explain it in basic terms.

Fixes are an interuption of the part they enjoy… building something new. And unlike bugs in their main project, installer fixes won’t even directly affect their use. So their motivation is less for installers and installer fixes are an aggravation.

Users need to realize the dynamic of volunteer developers and be encouraging in their bug reporting.

Be positive in your posts, be comprehensive in your experiments and reports. Don’t make the developer wrest the extra details about the symptoms. (EVERYONE hates prying the information out that should have be volunteered at the beginning.) Don’t assume they remember your setup from previous conversations. Keep thread short with a single subject. Mark the posting as a solution that has the key to resolving your original message. If no single posting has the whole solution, restate the entire solution (crediting the answerer of portions with quotes) and don’t just select your own message saying something like “it works now”.

Be a trailblazer. Part of your repayment of a user of gifted open source being gifted help is to make the solution to your problem clear for the next user so the Developer NEVER has to answer the question again.

I apologize for my tone.
It was not my intention to hurt anyones feeling.
Since English is not my native language sometimes I can get it wrong … like in this case.
I appreciate of course the help the forum has provided.
Also I understand that this project are done by people in their free time and they have a work and life also … like everyone else me included.

All in all … I hope I am not banned from this forum.

Thanks for your explanation.
Much appreciated that you took your time to guide me.

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People willing to accept feedback are rarely banned.

We save that for spammers and robots. :wink:

I appreciate your apology to David.

And any frustration about posting in a second language is understandable. I cringe at the tone my postings might have en français on Geneanet. But at least I had a semester of that in high school 40 years ago and might just read like a drunken 6-year old child using their parent’s account. Any of my deutsch forum postings will likely be doubly crude and harsh. (I may have a lot of German lineage but I have no German language skills beyond Google Translate!) Fortunately, the Finnish of the Isotammi group talk to me in English!

Thanks … now I can sleep peacefully tonight
:cowboy_hat_face: :sunglasses:

Sorry if I’m a bit sensitive sometimes. Was off for the weekend and will come back to this bug later.



I am glad that we sorted it out :sunglasses:

Hello, I am totally new to Gramps, Gramps Web and Gramps Hub. I have watched the tutorials for Gramps and have started building a tree. I have signed up for GrampsHub to create an online tree and have imported my file there. However, I’m kind of stuck there as I can’t see how to start a dedicated webpage. Do I need to set it up first on Gramps Web? In which case, I’m having issues creating an account as the only way to access the “Create a new account” is by clcking on the OPEN DEMO button and then chossing “Register New account”. And when I do that it says I will get an email from the tree owner and then nothing happens. As the GrampsHub website has been designed to be very simple, newbies like me are certainly lost to get the ball rolling the first time and since there seems to be no tutorial videos (atleast in English if I am correct) for people using GrampsHub, may be I’m not the only person to be at a loss. Thanking you for your help.

Hi! Before answering your question about how to get started with Gramps Web, one question: after signing up to Grampshub, did you get an e-mail with a link “Get started with Gramps Web”? If not, please look inside your spam folder. The link in the e-mail will get you to the Gramps Web onboarding page where you can create an account, and from there it is the same for all Gramps Web installations (Grampshub, self-hosted, …), so let’s make sure we take this first hurdle.

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For those of us without a Grampshub account…

Could you share a copy of that eMail message – including the link?

Also is there a link to configuring any “new account holder” message for new collaborators? Hopefully, that text (including subject line) and outbound eMail server is configurable.


you can see a screenshot of the e-mail in this Google-translated Blog Post:

The button simply links to https://<hostname>/firstrun/<tree-id> where <hostname> in this case is, but this link is valid for any multi-tree Gramps Web installation.

For a single-tree installation (which is what most self-hosting users use), this is not needed because the form will automatically come up at https://<hostname> since there is just a single tree ID.

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Thanks for your quick reply, David.
I got the email to get started and have created an account.
I have uploaded my tree and am slowly getting used to it.
Am I correct in saying that:

  1. Grampshub does not host a website for me to showcase directly a family tree to my registered users.
  2. The only way for my family members to see and/or collaborate is to become a user too.


It hosts a Gramps web instance - it’s not we website in the sense that it’s not publicly accessible to everyone, but it does allow you to showcase the family tree to your registered users.

They need to become registered users of your Gramps Web instance, so they do not need to be a Grampshub customer. You can directly create an account for them in your Gramps Web settings page, or share the registration link with them that is displayed there.

You are in full control of your Gramps Web instance, including the user management.

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Understood, David and Thanks again for this wonderful job.