New registered user can't log on, shows as 'disabled'

Gramps 5.2.2
Gramps Web API 2.4.2
Gramps Web Frontend 24.8.0
Gramps QL 0.3.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true

Got the docker compose set up running and registered an admin user. Then I created a user by registering, received email and confirmed it. Then I tried to log on as that user, but the web site said wrong username/password. So I reset the password (twice) and still wouldn’t let that user log on.

Finally I logged on as admin and noticed that the newly registered user was marked ‘disabled’ in the Role column. After changing that to one of the other roles, the user was able to log on. Is this normal? Which step did I mess up?

BTW, I’m pretty impressed how well all of this works with the provided Docker and Docker Compose configurations. Thanks for documenting everything nicely.


Hi! After registration, the user is in the “unconfirmed” state, then after confirming their e-mail address, in “disabled” state. They need to be manually assigned to a user group by the owner. Otherwise anyone could register and immediately get access to the tree.

This is something we should definitely document better!

By the way, the owner should have gotten an e-mail notification about the new user. Did you get it? Perhaps we should add a sentence there that the user needs to be manually enabled.

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Thanks for the explanation, that helped. And yes, I did receive the new user registration email sent to the admin’s email address.Two PRs to improve the workflow:

  1. Document process of approving self-registered users #24
  2. Provide more info in emails to admin and self-registered user #557
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Great, thanks for the PRs!