Well this is just great. I don’t seem to be able to delete some portion of the Gramps docker instance completely.
Have tried these things:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker system prune -a
Which did seem to delete “things”. But after I do
docker-compose up -d
it seems the same configuration of gramps web exists.
Can’t login, can’t create new users, can’t get a password reset accomplished, as, in a hurry to just “get familiar” with grampsweb, neglected to setup the email notification part.
By default, volumes aren’t removed to prevent important data from being deleted
So this is a feature, not a bug. Check there for how to delete volumes as well.
If you forgot your password, simply use the “reset password” link. If you haven’t set up e-mail properly, that will not work of course. Then you can still use the command line, as documented.
Edit: the link “command line” was added automatically by Discourse but is incorrect. Please use this link: User system - Gramps Web
I can’t get the command line to work, does not appear to be an option to change password. Efforts to add email address, for example, seem to want the existing password.
[+] Running 1/0
⠿ Container grampsweb_redis Running 0.0s
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
Usage: python3 -m gramps_webapi user add [OPTIONS] NAME PASSWORD
Try 'python3 -m gramps_webapi user add --help' for help.
Error: Missing argument 'PASSWORD'.
Tried some variations on the order of parameters and options, get various chastisements.
When attempting python3 -m gramps_webapi user add --help response is: :“: No module named gramps_webapi”, which one presumes is due to leaving off the “docker-compose”, etc. preamble.
Docs imply that an empty database will cause the initial screen to present, but, lacking knowledge of how to clear the database, I lean to repeating my attempts to reinstall gramps web adding the volume delete step.
edit: Yet, after “docker system prune -a” followed by “docker system prune --volumes” and another " docker-compose up -d", the web page presents a login view rather than an initial setup view.
I am clearly missing something.
Edit2: I was, however, able to add an administrative user and login.
Still, at the message when the command finished was a bit disconcerting:
While having added a second administrative user, I have some observations:
not getting email for password reset, appears email is not being sent from gramps web. I find no way to add or edit any email delivery information. I can send test email from the command line of the (docker) host server.
Did not see a way to edit a user password via gramps web administrative actions.
there appears to be no way to delete a user via the web page.