Is there a way I can help some

I don’t have a lot of free time, but I could review document, code reviews, maybe even beta test some products after I get my feet wet. I have quite a few decades of software development experience. It may take me a little while to get my feet wet, but I’d be willing to give it a try.


Welcome to Gramps! It’s always nice to get new volunteers.

When I last went through the pull requests, I created a new “Needs Testing” label. Unfortunately, there was a lack of people willing to review and test the contributions.

If you would like to review a few pull requests then I’m willing to suggest good ones to start with and be available to point you in the right direction and answer questions. Do you already have a GitHub account?


Start me off easy, and don’t expect it quickly at first as I get my feet wet. I do have a github account, it’s where I maintain my software that I write for myself now that I’m retired. It appears the language is PHP, I’m more familiar with Java, C and C++.

Onboarding is always difficult.

Gramps is in Python language using the GTK+ UI toolkit following Tango theme guidelines and using PyCharm to assess coding formatting. Weblate is the natural language translation tool.

(@Nick-Hall please tell where that’s wrong so I can edit it. :wink: )

The Gramps Developer portal


The aim is for our code to be PEP8 compliant. New code should have a pylint score >= 9.0. See our programming guidelines for details. We may be moving to using black as a code formatter after the next release, so don’t worry too much about code formatting.

We have a UI style guide for use when reviewing UI changes. This is based on the Gnome human interface guidelines and the Tango icon set.

The developer portal is a good link for resources.


Pull requests #1163, #1263 and #1371 look fairly easy. I was just looking for someone to test them.

The date spans PR (#1124) is slightly more involved. I’m concerned about the code that finds maximum and minimum values when the span is constructed from other ranges or spans. The code is used by the records report and gramplet to determine statistics like the oldest person in the database. There is one part of the code that I need to find out where it is used. Let me know if you are interested looking at this one.

I can find more for you to look at if you have time.


I created an account on the main gramps site, asked me to register, I did, sent me the link, I clicked, did the password, logged in, then it kicked me off. Did that twice. I’ll try again tomorrow.

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I can see that you created a bug tracker account.

I’m in Github, see pull 1163 (and the others), I assume I need some IDE to test it in, do you have a URL I can read to see how to pull and test. I’ve only used Java with Github on my own projects.

What operating system do you use?

Read the wiki page: Running a development version of Gramps.

I have windows 10, I use eclipse for my Java. I‘ll read the link tomorrow. It’ll take me a little while to get setup. I’ll get there.

It may also be helpful to read Development using Eclipse and Pydev.

If you are used to Eclipse on Windows, stick with it, you just need to get the Pydev stuff installed in Eclipse.

Then you need the development environment for Gramps see Gramps for Windows with MSYS2 - Gramps.

This setup is what I have been using for most of my development, including the AIO releases. I do sometime do testing and debugging with Eclipse on one of the Linux platforms for bugs that seem to be Linux specific. I use a virtual machine to run those.

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There are several areas in the Gramps-project that have separate accounts:

  • The GitHub repository
  • This Discourse-powered forum
    ** The maillists have separate accounts too. But they are in decline
  • The MediaWiki main user documentation
    ** The WordPress pages have a separate account too. But that only handles a few pages
  • The Sphinx-powered developer documentation
  • The MantisBT-powered bug report and feature request system

Link to most of these are on the Contact page of the wiki. I think it is missing links about gaining contributor access to GitHub, the sphinx system and translation.

It is not necessary to create a MediaWiki account. You can browse without it. An account IS necessary if you intend to edit its public documentation articles. But it is also useful for customizing the presentation of pages (site preferences), asking clarification questions on the “discussion” pages for each public webpage. And having an account gives you a personal page. I keep track of some of my documentation projects and the critical reference wiki pages there.

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An update, I’ve cloned the project with GitHub Desktop. I’ve added Pydev to eclipse. Right now I’m having issues with getting Eclipse to understand how to set up the run configuration. I’m looking at the 1163 pull. At this point until I can get the run configuration figured out, I’m stuck. I’ll work on it more next weekend. I’m probably better off doing code reviews at this point until I can get the run environment configured in Eclipse correct.

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