Contributing to the Web Docs

I’d be interested in helping with the Web docs possibly. I’m experimenting heavily with Gramps Web and gaining some good insight and forming questions I believe a lot of new users will have. I’d like to involve my family in using Gramps Web (indeed this is a trial run of it for suitability), but the user pages are completely inadequate for laymen (not IT/ programmer) consumption. Its a good ‘use case’ writing docs knowing your middle-age mom wants to learn how to “add some pictures” to the tree, or “why they can’t see their grandpa on the descendants view” and the docs need to both anticipate and address such questions.

As it happens, I maintain 9 mkdocs manuals for another software company so I’m super comfortable with it, and dare I say pretty good at addressing the laymen perspectives and expectations.

What are the protocols for the 'contribute > push > review > edit > publish" process?
The current docs say “submit a pull request”, but I already cloned it so not sure what that means after. Should I be on another ‘draft’ or ‘wip’ branch? should I create another branch? Will someone review it? merge it? Is it ‘auto-published’ via some script? Is that a permissions thing? etc.

What can I expect to happen if I make a bunch of changes… change folks words, add a bunch of pictures, then push the changes I made from this cloned repo? I’m not a git Ninja, but do enough to “get, change and push” stuff.


Awesome, welcome on board! :rocket:

If you want, you can directly submit a PR from your clone’s master branch, but having separate branches for each topic makes sense because it makes the review easier if the changes are limited to one or two YAML files.

The process is quite simple, somebody (quite likely me, but obviously others are welcome, too!) would review your changes and then merge them, which would make them immediately visible at (since it is published via Github pages).

The general Github docs are here, just in case you need them: Creating a pull request - GitHub Docs

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Sounds good David, thx for responding. What I’ll do then, is make doc edits based on my initial experiences / expectations installing / using Gramps Web over the last week or so. I’ll try the pull request and see if I can fumble through the process and see how this all goes. Thx again for your work!

@DavidMStraub First PR done. I’ll assume you get notifications of those? or should I ping you here as well? Do you have a preference?

Thanks! No worries, I got a notification. I might not have time to review it tomorrow, but definitely early next week. :rocket:

@DavidMStraub …when might a person expect to see this screen? On their very first login I assume? Just want to confirm before committing words to the docs.


Further, if that is the case and there are no Person Records, such that a Home Person cannot be selected, what happens then? Is the initial import of at least one Person Record required during setup? If I missed this somewhere else in the docs, I apologize.

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Ha, good question.

At first, it was shown when either the language was not set or the home person was not set.

Then, we realized it doesn’t work when the tree is new/empty, so we only required the home person when the tree is non-empty.

Then, we realized this also doesn’t work if the search index is missing (Select home person dialog blocks access to app when search index is missing · Issue #249 · gramps-project/gramps-web · GitHub) and simply removed the requirement, since we now have the home person edit button on the dashboard.

Now, this screen is only shown when the language is not set. But the language is now typically taken from browser settings.

So you will only see this screen when you explicitly delete your language settings from localStorage :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess we should remove it.