Event witnesses or roles and GEDCOM Import

I can’t find a way to modify a Gedcom so that witnesses and other roles between events and persons are positioned. Gedcom shared events are no longer shared after Gedcom import in Gramps.

What’s the right way to do it? What should I change in the Gedcom for it to work?

Example of an event taken from that Gedcom:

2 DATE 19 MAR 1732
2 PLAC Cuverville,Seine-Maritime,Normandie,FRANCE,
4 LATI N49.663930
4 LONG E0.263870
2 AGE 64
2 ASSO @I36813@
3 RELA Witness
3 ROLE Witness
2 ASSO @I587307@
3 RELA Witness
3 ROLE Witness
2 SOUR @S374810@
3 PAGE AD 76 - Cuverville - BMS 1730-1740 - 4E 02570 - vue 7
3 QUAY 3

Event association with I36813 and I587307 doesn’t work. This event is not even listed on their Person’s record and both relationship records are empty.

Gedcom Import Note associated with the deceased person contains:

Reconnu mais non supporté (TAG)                                     Line 11953: 2 ASSO @I36813@
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11954: 3 TYPE INDI
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11955: 3 RELA Witness
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11956: 3 ROLE Witness
Reconnu mais non supporté (TAG)                                     Line 11957: 2 ASSO @I587307@
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11958: 3 TYPE INDI
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11959: 3 RELA Witness
Ligne suivante ignorée                                              Line 11960: 3 ROLE Witness

I’m not even sure 1) Gramps correctly exports these shared events and role information if exporting a Gedcom from it 2) and can recreate shared events and roles from a Gedcom it created itself by importing it in a new database. I did not succeed.

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Using the ASSO tag in this way is new in Gedcom v7.0. Our existing import is based on v5.5.1.

Hummm. It’s a Gedcom file from Heredis. Header still continue to say it’s 5.5.1 but I know they accept import only V7 Gedcom files. May be some changes on they export structure ??

What is the good event record structure, which can be read by Gramps, for supporting shared events and roles?

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