First: My native language is German. If the following English is not correct, the DeepL Translator did a bad job.
Now to the point, it is about the DynamicWebReport:
In the Ancestors section, the parents and siblings are displayed in groups. In addition in each case an expander button.
When you click on the button, the data for the respective group becomes visible or hidden.
Here everything is in order.
In the section ‘Descendants’ this routine does not work for multiple marriages!
Here, too, the marriages are displayed in groups.
But: when clicking on one of the group buttons, only the data of the first marriage is visible.
I have researched and found that in the category ‘Descendants’ the ‘section_id’ is not incremented or not taken over correctly.
In an experimental HTML page (clones of the generated page), I manually incremented the section IDs of the second and third marriages by one each. With this it works.
The error must be in ‘dwr.js’, ‘function PrintTitle(section_id, level, contents, collapsible, is_tabbeb, collapsed)’, and there in the loop ‘for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; i += 1)’.
My knowledge of javascript is unfortunately very rudimentary, so I can’t see where ‘the dog is buried’.
Maybe I’ll meet an expert here who can give me the solution off the cuff.
GRAMPS: AIO64-5.1.4-1
Python: 3.6.4 (default, Jan 23 2018, 13:17:37) …
BSDDB: 6.1.0 (6, 0, 30)
sqlite: 3.21.0 (2.6.0)
BS: Windows
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