In the Relationship tab: I can’t find the reason why the names of some children in this family are in bold and not the others???
Excuse me for my bad english
Linux KDE Neon 6 - Gramps 5.2.2
The People in Bold have a Family with offspring.
So clicking on them can expose another level of Family
Birth and Death information in Italics are using a Fallback event to approximate the Birth or Death. (e.g., a ‘Christening’ was found but there was no actual ‘Birth’ logged.)
thank you for the clarification
Bold —> Married individual with proven descent (at least one child)
Not necessarily married. And the children of the Family could have any type of relationship.
Actually, the criteria for whether a name is bold is a little more complicated. It depends on the other people in the view.
For example, the view I have open right now (I’m in the midst of a backup and can’t change it) has just a man and his wife, and the wife’s name is bold. In this case it indicates that at least one of her parents is known. As I understand it, if at least one parent, spouse or partner, and child is known for at least one person in the view, then everyone in the view with a known parent, spouse or partner, and child will be bold, and not any others. If there is not anyone for whom all three relationships are known, then everyone with the most relationships will be bold. So parents will often not be bold if neither of their parents are known.
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