Getting back to fundamental Gramps issues, a cousin tells me their Dad is not the biological child of my uncle and his wife but of a former wife. At the time of their marriage, each had a child of their own from a previous marriage. Each took the other as a step child.
I added the ex-Wife and created a second family, with divorce recorded and each a birth parent for that child. In the divorced and remarried husbands family the birth and step parent relationships were entered. In the Pedirgree view the birth mother does show, perhaps anywhere. The step family shows, with dotted lines for the step relationships.
ust became aware of the tutorials videos, which may be very helpful. Maybe someone should tackle something like that for grampsweb? (Oh, NO, what am I saying?)
The dotted lines are shown because the family is not 100% biological.
Each of the children should be a child in two different families. One with both Birth parents and the second with their custodial Birth parent and as a Stepchild to the other parent. In graph views, the dotted line goes to the stepfamily.
Another thing to consider. In a view like the Pedigree chart, the order of the parent families is important.
In the Relationship view, when there is more than one parental families or spousal families, the user can choose the order of those families. I always set my in order by date. The Birth family would be above the Stepfamily.
When there is more than one parental or spousal family the reorder icon will become active.