Upgrading to v5.2

I’ve been using GRAMPS for many years. When I upgraded to 5.1.6 I SOMEHOW got a Console window appearing each time I use the software. I don’t know if that is meant to happen.

Is there a way to avoid this happening wen i go to 5.2?


Are you are using MS Windows?

There are 2 launchers for starting Gramps. One opens a console and starts Gramps from there. This one is preferred because errors and messages are piped there and can be discovered easily.

But, if you kill the console by clicking its close window gadget, Gramps dies with it. This isn’t like when you click the close gadget on Gramps. That does housekeeping tasks first before closing Gramps gently.

Most power users find the Console more useful because it reports hidden flaws in their configuration. Then they can resolve those and make Gramps more stable.

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Thank you for the reasoning. Yes, I’m Windows. How would I have known that I was using the console installer? I can live with it either way, I’m just interested.


How are you launching Gramps? From your Windows Menu or Taskbar? You can get Properties on those icons and show the folder. Then you’ll have to do it again since the 1st one is only a shortcut to a shortcut.

if you have a desktop icon with some parameters like a different language (like this as an example: “%comspec% /c set LANG=no_NB.UTF-8 && start grampsw.exe”") you will get a command window opening, it should only flash, but with some system settings (I am not sure what) it will stay open.

I got this problem after installing Ghost for some reason and have not managed to figure out why it happens.

What I just did (because of reading this post) was to open the Windows Terminal (I use Windows Terminal, you might have to open the command prompt as administrator), go into the settings and change a minor setting, save it and close the window… for some reason, the Command Windows now only flash again when starting Gramps from my custom icons…

I have still not figured out what actual cause this to happen.

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