Translation of places into preferred language

(Gramps V5.2-2 AIO)

In V5.1, places written in the language of the country to which they belong were translated into the preferred language in which Gramps worked ; e.g. a place indicated in Flemish (with its nl language code) if in the alternative names of the place we found its version in this language (in my case French, with their fr language code). It looked like this:

Now in V5.2-2, the place is no longer translated:

Did I miss a setting somewhere or was there a forgotten code between V5.1 and V5.2?

I was not aware of this situation either pre or post 5v2.
However I would have thought that data entered into gramps in the users native language should not be translated into American English.
Asking for directions to “West Street” in any non-english speaking country would be unlikely to get a sensible reply

Yes, in respect to the locals abd history I named my places with their language and I added the French translation and everything was going well in 5.1 but in 5.2 it doesn’t work anymore

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