Slow Narrated web site reports

Hi everyone!
I have two questions about Narrated web site reports.

  1. Web site is generated too slowly when media is turned on. My media objects stats are the next:

Media Objects

Individuals with media objects: 8047
Total number of media object references: 8728
Number of unique media objects: 3794
Total size of media objects: 8743 MB
Missing Media Objects: 78

I have quite fast ssd, but anyway… As I understand, generator not only copies the files, it also makes something. Is it possiple make this “something” once for all media and then use prepared media-structure for simple and fast copy-paste procedure? Maybe it could be as a feature for future?

  1. I receive exception when export can not find a media. Is it possible fix this issue to ignore missing media but not throw exceptions?

I see some discussions here Thoughts on Narrated Web Report - #26 by jacrider, but not found answers to my questions there.

To speed up image generation install the package “python-magic” (in v5.1) or “python-imagesize” (in v5.2). See PR #1597.


One more question… I see my image_size doest have logic with the new packages imports. Can I simply replace my to this one gramps/gramps/gen/utils/ at ec98f8dafae4a76f5916e40c93f9f924c997e115 · Nick-Hall/gramps · GitHub? My gramps configuration (under ubuntu) is:
python : 3.10.12
gramps : 5.1.5
gtk++ : 3.24.33
pygobject : 3.42.1
pango : 1.50.6
cairo : 1.16.0
pycairo : 1.20.1
osmgpsmap : 1.0
GExiv2 : 0.10
ICU : not found
PyICU : not found
o.s. : linux
kernel : 6.5.0-18-generic

So, as I understand your should work for all 5.1.* and 5.2.* versions?

OK. It looks like this only applies to v5.2, not previous versions.

You can probably copy the whole file, but it would be safer just to copy and paste the image_size function.

Then in Ubuntu the package you need is called python3-imagesize.

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