Narrated Web Site: Disable (or hiding) "Media" and "Thumbnail" tabs?

In Gramps 5.1.5 (on Ubuntu 22.04) is there a way to disable the “Media” and “Thumbnail” tabs? I mean I would like to have media attached to Persons or Places on the website – but not have separate indexes/tabs for them. I my use case it adds no value and rather confuses the visitor.

I did not find an option for this. Also, I did not find an option to include some little CSS for adding something like

#dropmenu li a[href="thumbnails.html"] {
  display: none;

EDIT: Or I do not see what these tabs are useful for…

It sounds like you want the image pages created, just not the tabs for them on each website page. There is no option like the option to include the Repository page in the creation options.

The tabs for the various page tabs are defined in…
gramps\plugins\webreport\ in the program files.

Starting at line 1520 (5.1.5)

    navs = [
        (, self._("Html|Home"),,
        (, self._("Introduction"),,
        (, self.extrapagename, (self.extrapage != "")),
        ('individuals', self._("Individuals"), True),
        (, self._("Surnames"), True),
        ('families', self._("Families"),,
        ('events', self._("Events"),,
        ('places', self._("Places"),,
        ('sources', self._("Sources"),,
        ('repositories', self._("Repositories"), inc_repos),
        ('media', self._("Media"), _create_media_link),
        ('thumbnails', self._("Thumbnails"), self.create_media),
        ('download', self._("Download"),,
        ("addressbook", self._("Address Book"),,
        ('contact', self._("Contact"),,
        ('statistics', self._("Statistics"),,
        (self.target_cal_uri, self._("Web Calendar"), self.usecal)

You could try commenting out the Media and Thumbnail lines by add a hashtag (#) to the start of these lines.

The pages should be created just not give a person easy access to them.

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No need to modify the sources.
In the image tab, choose the following :

Don’t select “Create the images index” and “Create the thumbnail index”


First @Jens would need to upgrade to Gramps 5.2

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  • Listenelement

I am a bit hesitant to upgrade to 5.2. since it is not released yet and regarding the data structure (sql storage) of gramps it seems easy some little bug might really cause a lot of troubles. So maybe I’ll wait a little. It is not the most needed feature for me.

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