Hello everyone,
I’m using Gramps 5.1.5 on Windows 11 for around 300 indivuduals and 77 media objects (photos).
All is fine when working on gramps, all thumbnails and media object are correctly associated to the concerned persons.
However when I create the web site throught the “Narrated Web Site” functionality, I get few people without any thumbnail and image. Basically the images and thumbnails are not references inside the person page. Note that those few unreferenced images are actually present on the website folders, they are being listed as “unused media objects” under the Media.html page
I spend quite a bit of time looking for a workaound/solution but coundn’t sort this out yet.
Any idea or suggestion would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you!
In the report options is Image generation. One of the options is to include all images even when not linked to records in your database. I do not know why someone would want this but the default is yes, include the images.
One of the possibilities for this is if the image in the person’s Gallery tab has been made private. If private, would not be added to the person but the overall picture is not private so got added in the scenario I outline above.
Thank you for your prompt reply!
Howere I did check that Gallery tab is not private (and in any case I’m also exporting private data into the narrated web site).
I’ve preformed lots of different test (I’ve even deleted and recreated the person) but couldn’t sort this out.
I enabled logging with the command:
./gramps.exe --debug=""
but didn’t find any particular error/exception during the website creation.
I’ll keep looking into it and update the thread if I find something.
I think I found how to workaround this. Basically thumbnails and media are removed if the concerned person has no death entry at all (ie: the person is alive or the death date is not known). I just added an empty death entry to those pearsons and the issue got fixed.
For example:
The normal thing in genealogy is to not include pictures of living persons on a public website.
There’s probably a report setting that lets you override. (I don’t use the Narrated Web Site report for my website because it has a different customized layout. So I haven’t explored the many options @SNoiraud has included.)
Hmmm… The “Include only living people (checkbox checked by default)” in the “Report Options (2)” tab might be mislabeled in English. Perhaps a French user can tell us the original wording on the label? Maybe it should be "Exclude living people”?
I don’t see why someone would want the exclude the deceased people by default. The wiki does not describe purpose (or “use case”) for that feature either.
Best practice in the US is to protect privacy of Living Persons by default in public reports. (There are legal liabilities to revealing private information.) So having to intentionally CHOOSE to override redaction of living person data is a “good thing”.
The Narrated website is such a huge and complex feature that it seemed impossible another subject would be discussed on the same documentation webpage.
That option makes some sense to avoid overload. (Although revealing birthdays on a webcalendar seems like a risky choice … considering modern identity theft hysteria. But that is a different topic.)
Sorry but didn’t think about this because the issue was also happening to dead persons but with no death date. Moreover I was also having the problem with few persons for which the death date was “Estimated” (which could be the only minor bug I see at this point).
In any case thank you all for clarifying and helping!
I am uncertain which date calculation modifer range Gramps uses for Estimated. I suspect it is the “About” value from the dates tab of the Preferences.
The “About” is ±50years by default. If so, any estimated death date after 1972 would range into the future… and be considered possibly living. Of, course the probably alive calculation is also affected by the Maximum Age & internal estimates are affected by the Generation average & maximum.
Try using tighter Before, After & About periods. For instance, 90% tighter: 5 years each.