Image not updated in Narrated Web Site

I made some image updates in my family tree.
Everything works OK … can see the updated images but in the report ‘Narrated Web Site’ following occurs:

When I choose the person with the updated image then the old image turns up … clicking on that image shows the updated one.
I also created a new ‘Narrated Web Site’ report after the images update.

It seems to me that ‘Narrated Web Site’ has the old images cached and don’t read the updated ones.

Are you talking about the thumbnail previews not being updated?

If so, did you try the Thumbnail Generator addon tool? It will force regeneration of the thumbnail cache.

Thumbnails in Gramps are usually generated upon demand. So it is possible that the normal or large sized thumbnails are not being re-generated because you haven’t used part of the Gramps interface that needed that size thumbnail image since you swapped the target file.

Alternatively, in the category where you are opening the Media object, you might want to use gramplets in that has a normal thumbnail in the bottombar and a large thumbail in the sidebar. That way, Gramps will reflect the current thumbnail cache.

Did you write the new report to the same location as the old report, or are you uploading the report to a web server?

If so, this may be a browser issue rather than a report issue. Most browsers do cache pages that have been visited to reduce load time the next time the page is visited, and that is what this sounds like.

Try generating the report in a different location and check on what happens then, or clear the cache in your broswer.

Allen Crider

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Yes … thumbnail previews was the problem.

Thumbnail Generator did not solve the problem.
I also cleared my browser cache … still the same problem.
But when I regenerated ‘Narrated Web Site’ and chose a new location to store it then the problem was solved.

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