Report Ancesstor tree

When I create a report the Active person will stay at the left hand side. Is there a possibility the have the Active person stay at the right hand side? If I use Chart one can choose a horisontel left or right view. I wonder if there is something similar when working with Ancestor tree

Welcome Arne

There is an Ancestor Tree, Menu >> Reports >> Tree >> Ancestor Tree

It outputs to a LaTeX file and the report allows the user to switch the orientation of the tree. The problem, I have never gotten (or figured out) how to actually print or use the output file and I just checked that there are no wiki help files. The help button takes you to the graphical Ancestor Tree, not to the LaTeX version.

Sorry if this is not much help. maybe someone else knows more about this report.

Here you go myself and others updated the support page for it the other day.

Direct link:

Addon:GenealogyTree - Gramps

The GenealogyTree addon creates professional looking trees for the active person in the LaTeX genealogytree (the Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams package) file format. The following reports are available:

See the prerequisites to enable output to pdf and make sure you use a custom page size otherwise the report is cutoff.

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Thank you, I will at least try. Maybe you know if there is any way to make a full print out of the result of a Chart. Not only a Print screen

What program were you using?

With any printing, there is always the limitation of paper sizes. So there is always a trade off. This is why I prefer web based outputs when sharing information.

Maybe if you tell us your ultimate goal and if this for yourself or others we can help with other options.

Success! Now I have to explore the settings for the desired results

For those that are unfamiliar with the old school command line there is a gui option.

If you check the box to open the LaTeX file, a screen with all the generated code will open in MiKTeX. Clicking the Green arrow (upper left corner), will execute the code and open the results in the PDF.


If you want to change the latex file you should read the genalogytree latex documentation which has plenty of information about options and also templates so you can create a much better result. Using the standalone package is recommended there if you are interested into the whole tree as a file or image.
Genalogytree documentation

Prequisites for Windows omit to say that you must install geometry package through MikTex console before using lualatex :

Best regards.

I have been reading this thread for several days and yesterday decided to install Texlive. Well, I did, it went well. but then, when I try to run the report, It gives me an error trying to create a PDF file (it creates the latex file just fine). I have attached a picture of the error (it is trying to save to a file that does not exist, a tmp file and I cannot create it because each time I get this error, the folder name is different)Screenshot from 2020-08-26 01-47-36

I have read the suggested pages multiple times and just cannot figure out how to fix this. Does anyone have any ideas on how to correct this issue?

for internal PDF output file format needs LaTex support (e.g., ‘texlive-latex-base’ package)

Addon:GenealogyTree - Gramps

Do you have the ‘texlive-latex-base’ package installed?

well I installed texlive-full, so I think that has everything in it.

I used this page as my guide to install

well, the page you sent me to says that full includes everything, but I tried to install
separately and my system gave me this
Screenshot from 2020-08-26 23-48-52

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