Please help add 5.2 Highlights to the wiki

It would be good to have linked areas in the Wiki for at least the Highlight (see the link for the PRs for writing references) bullet points. The release is imminent and the Translators need time to work too.

  • Addon Manager (bare bones)
  • Open spans (‘To’ and ‘From’) for date types
  • yyy-mm ISO date format
  • quarters for date format (e.g., “Q2 1850”)
  • latitude & longitude without a space
  • CSV import improvements (delimiter selection, flexibility for place hierarchy, tags and attributes)
  • “Other” gender
  • CITE plugins
  • Thumbnailer plugin
  • Citations for Event references
  • Super/Subscripts and strikethrough decorations in Note Editor
  • case sensitivity for RegEx filtering
  • Extensive enhancements to the Data Verify tool
  • PIP now installed (for Windows. and Linux, macOS?) for prerequisite installation
  • Add “Has Repository” rule
  • improve double-barrelled surname rendering (no spaces around dash/hyphen Connector)
  • deprecate BSDDB

Please insert the following MediaWiki tag for a New 5.2 Feature:

:zap:new for version 5.2.0


PIP installation is only relevant if the distro is a bundle (Win and Mac), I think.

Mac does NOT install PIP (but I wish it did).

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I do not believe the macOS package maintainer monitors the forum. Sent an eMail inquiry.

John replied.
PIP is not in the current 5.2 .dmg file and there probably isn’t time to resolve the anticipated obstacles:

  • Writing into the bundle isn’t permitted so it would have to be fiddled to do only user installs with site.USER_PATH hardcoded to ~/Library/Application Support/gramps/python/x.y/site-packages.
  • The pip “executable” is really a shell script that shebangs the python executable.’s python executable is hardwired to run so I’d need to figure out a secure way to run the pip module.
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  • Remembering column sizes.
  • Adding Stillborn as standard life event and adding the single event as a Fallback for Birth and Death events.
  • Added the Source Abbreviation to the search selectors.

Those types of things have been listed under the GUI section. (Which are extensive.) The highlights are just the highly leveragable functional changes.

Let’s wait to expand the scope of “Highlights” until we knock-out the 1st batch

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