Paths for media

Mageia Linux 8, gramps 5.1.3
I have two issues-questions-problems on how paths to media are handled:

  1. Is a problem of my own make. For a long time I’ve been running Mageia in English (former professional environment), but some years ago on installing a new Mageia version, I decided to switch to my mother tongue Dutch. The result of the way I handled this, was that my home folders were renamed e.g. from Documents to Documenten, folder under which my gramps data and media files were located. I noticed that thos caused problems with the media, but as I considered that as “nice to have”, I forgot about it.
    Now I wanted to find out and noticed two things: the media path in the Preferences is blank, and the individual paths in the “Media” tab were all pointing at /home//Documents/… i.e. the old English paths. Editing those paths by hand or the “Rename —” option did not make the actual images appear in the records. I found out I had to use the browse facility for each media item to go to the correct location of the media and select the item. In the media tab I could not see the difference between the items I edited manually and the ones I selected again via browsing, but the behavior (correct display or not is defintely there).

  2. I backed up the complete database+media (gpkg file) and imported it in a Mageia 9 (beta 2) with gramps 5.1.5. The import warns that the media are restored in a folder of its own making, and I went along. Result: all media show up where I wanted and are included in a subsequently generated website. But when I look in the Media tab, I see for every item the full path of the original database of the Mageia 8 system, and that path does not exist at all in the new system. So what do these paths represent at all, also in view of my pt 1.

To make sure: all paths discussed are full paths /home//Documenten/… not relative.

Message to all. The following part is in Dutch.

Hallo Herman,

Hartelijk welkom in de groep. Je kan bijna alles herstellen via het menu Hulpmiddelen, submenu Gereedschap. Daarin vindt je tools met de naam Mediabeheerder en Mediaverificatie.

Met de beheerder kan je in 1 keer absulute paden in relatieve omzetten en andersom, en ook vervangingsacties uitvoeren, zoals van /home/Documents naar /home/Documenten. En daarmee zou je ook de vervangingen kunnen doen voor het pad waar de media uit de backup met media uitgepakt zijn, als je die niet ook al ergens in je normale pad hebt.

Als de media uitgepakt zijn, met dat rare lange pad, en ook allemaal toegankelijk zijn, kan je ook de verificatie gebruiken. Daarmee kan je namelijk vingerafdrukken van alle media genereren. En als je die hebt, kan je ze, zelfs als je de media over verschillende mappen verdeelt, allemaal weer door Gramps terug laten vinden zonder dat je zelf over zoek- en vervangopties voor die paden na hoeft te denken.

Je mag me ook een privebericht sturen, als dat je beter helpt. Ik werk zelf met Linux Mint.

I stand corrected, I wasn’t aware of the interplay “Preferences - path media” and the relative or absolute paths in the Media Manager All seems to work consistently right now.
One remark to ennoborg: I have Linux Mint in Dutch in a virtual machine. I installed gramps 5.1.5 on it and noticed there is a slight difference in the wording of the menus in gramps 5.1.3 on Mageia 8. Strange, but I still have to check the 5.1.5 in Mageia 9. At least it is no real problem for me.

Quick question, because I don´t know how Mageia fits in the Linux family tree …

Can you install the latest version of Gramps from here:

Or do you depend on other types of builds?

Mageia is an rpm based distro, that follows Fedora. But Mageia 9 (now in beta 2) has gramps 5.1.5.
As I am a Mageia QA tester, I have that Mageia 9 running. But in this teesting phase, I"m running in English, so I will at a given moment (soon-ish) do a complete installation in Dutch, and then see the translated menus.

OK, I understand. Does this mean that you can try to download and install an RPM from the Fedora repository? I noticed that they have RPM’s for 5.1.5.

Many times that works. But not always. Mageia has e.g. its particular ways of packaging libs, and dependencies follow …

I note that “Cauldron” is misspelled on the Gramps downloads table of Linux OSes. And the Mageia logo is not included.

Could you check what their ‘acceptable use’ policy is for using the logo? And tell us where to find that webpage? (It is a nice cross reference to insert in the copyright note in our wiki’s upload form.)

And “Cauldron” probably wont mean anything to most readers. (Is it a distribution name? Is it a beta test cycle? Is it released?) Can you help clarify that listing?

Below the answers I got from the Mageia developers.


Herman Viaene

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