Only output Primary surname in reports

Hello, I’m on Ubuntu and Gramps 5.1.5.

I’m using the Descendant Tree report to output the name so that it’s $n(f l): First Name Surname. But in my family we have 3 surnames: The Taken surname, the Inherited Surname from the father, and something like a clan surname (I use Patrilineal for it, but I don’t know if that’s the most correct).

When displaying it though, I just want what’s marked as Primary to show as the surname, how do I do that? Thanks


This is not possible at the moment, but I have created PR #1441 to add another substitution keyword for the primary surname.

With this enhancement you will be able to use $n(f p) to get the functionality you require.

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Thank you! That will be a real help, I appreciate it.

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