Marriage vs Marriage at church

I guess ursus is Belgian like me. So we have now as PLegoux status our legal basis in Napoleonic times. But there is something that makes that “marriage is marriage” is not true. Here the civil marriage has to precede the church marriage on penalties to the church priests. How long that is free. Both marriages can happen the same day, but can as well be days or weeks apart. In the latter cases e.g. witnesses can be completely different persons. Before 1812 that problem dis not exist, theree weren no civil marriages or registers.
So if gramps leaves its users free to use whatever solution they choose, that represents a risk of misunderstandings when data are exchanged between users.

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Nearly Herman, I’m Dutch, so we do share much of the Napoleonic laws. There are differences though, which make registering all subtleties a difficult undertaking.

I have instances where a couple have the two and I use the same Marriage event for each. I do use the Description field labeling one Religious and the other Civil. I understand that @ursus is using the Description field for other purposes. As the legal marriage I will slot that marriage first regardless of date. If I know which marriage the couple celebrate as their anniversary, I’ll slot that event first.

Whether they take place on the same day or not, I indicate the time of the marriage that I find on the certificate as an attribute. Even if the civil and religious marriage ceremonies take place on the same day, there is no risk of confusion.

I am Dutch translator in weblate. (I do not hack patches in source files.)

I think that just changing the Dutch translation of Marriage into Marriage (church) and Marriage Alternate into Marriage (civil) can lead to a lot of inconsistencies with existing family tree databases. Also, it would appear to me that the subject of marriage would be drawn into a christian focussed corner, whereas Gramps should be open and flexible to all sorts of societies with some forms of marriage.

I would say, keep Marriage as it is and add the adjective Church/Civil/otherwise to the description.

Yet, if the maker of Gramps tells me to correct the Dutch translation, i will gladly do so.


But the whole thing is already regulated in the gedcom standard?

Once for civil marriage:


and once for church marriage (no matter what religion)


This should also be implemented in Gramps with the corresponding event. Or am I wrong?

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In the Gedcom export, for pre-defined Gedcom types we put the description in the TYPE tag.

For example:

2 TYPE Civil

For custom types, the description is put after the EVEN tag and the TYPE tag is used for the English type.

1 EVEN Description
2 TYPE My Custom Type

Yes, OK. You can do it that way.
But something that is already defined in a standard shouldn’t be defined using a user-defined type?

What happens if I add the description “RELI” or “CIVIL” to the marriage event?

Will that also be output as a TYPE?