Location Report format

Hi all,
Using AIO64-5.2.2, Win11.
I am making a location report, in this case for a cemetery, where I would have all the principal individuals buried. The report works, but also includes all individuals that are secondary to the event.
As the report is text based, I’m wondering if it would be possible to gave it in a spreadsheed format, xls or ods. It would be helpful if id of the principal indivual was to be available in the report. This would allow to go back to the individual since I think this is event driven.
Besides this report, I am wondering if there would be an easier way of having a report with principal or secondary individuals for a location.
Basically, I am trying to export primary deceased individuals for a specific location so they can be imported to Find a Grave, following their spreadsheet template.

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You could do that:

  • With a person filter: Persons with personal event (Burial + Principal)
  • And just a line in a Supertool script: name, [event.place.name for event in events if event.type == "Burial"]

then export the results in a CSV file

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