(Please include your Gramps version and Operating System) 5.1.5
Would like to create csv/excel list to include:
Last name, married last name, first/middle name, date of event, location of event (birth/marriage/death)
Purpose is when visiting research centers/libraries to obtain news articles I bring a truncated list for researching.
So far have been only able to get, last name, first/middle name and date of events. The locations are placed in cells above all the names.
Welcome to the forum!
How are you currently creating your list? Are you using the CSV exports of each category view (People, Events) and then merging them?
The CSV export view of People can include a column with Spouse (which can contain multiple names), and a column for Number of Marriages. You could use this information to derive possible married names.
Or if you actually store each person’s married name as a separate surname, you can create a name display format that includes all of the person’s surnames.
And if you know SQL, you can export your database to SQLite and write your own queries.
I have often wished for such a handy list to take on research trips – what I think of as a “who-what-where-when” list that I could sort in any way as I look through relevant sources. Ideally, I would enter all of the sources I planned to search, ahead of time, so that I could track negative seraches. If I had such discipline, I might also attach attributes to the sources to indicate which places/dates/events they contain. Then I could have some query that would tell me which events for which people I should look for in each source. But I don’t actually do any of that.
- Export to XML
- Open the XML file with Power Query in Excel
- Create the Power Query you need and send the result to a worksheet.
Simplest way at the moment to get the data you want.
Using the CSV exports, did figure out how to add the marriages/spouses. Thanks for the input, it provides me with more information about what a person can do. I have been using Family Tree Maker for 20+ years and it lacks that functionality.
It’s pretty easy to do with SuperTool. Try the following in the third field, Expression to display:
surname, firstname, birth.date, birth.place.name, death.date, death.place.name, [spouse.surname for spouse in spouses], [[(fevent.date, fevent.place.name) for fevent in family.events if fevent.type == "Marriage"] for family in families]
You’ll obtain something like that:
First line: A man married once
Second line: a woman and her two husbands name and mariage
Third line: another woman (with a more regular Gramps Id)
Fourth line: a man and his three wifes
Notice I’ve added gender at the beggining of my command line to know that more easily
Columns are:
- ID: Gramps ID
- Value 1: Gender
- Value 2: Surname
- Value 3: Fisrtname
- Value 4: Birth date
- Value 5: Birth place
- Value 6: Death date
- Value 7: Death place
- Value 8: Spouses list
- Value 9 Marriages date and place list
Then, to export results click on Download CSV button
Supertool Code:
[Gramps SuperTool script file]
SuperTool-People - Create Excel list of people, dates and places - Example
# https://gramps.discourse.group/t/create-excel-list-of-people-dates-and-places/3168/5
gender, surname, firstname, birth.date, birth.place.name, death.date, death.place.name, [spouse.surname for spouse in spouses], [[(fevent.date, fevent.place.name) for fevent in family.events if fevent.type == "Marriage"] for family in families]
You could change place.name by place.longname if you want to see the full place hierarchy:
gender, surname, firstname, birth.date, birth.place.longname, death.date, death.place.longname, death.place.longname, [spouse.surname for spouse in spouses], [[(fevent.date, fevent.place.longname) for fevent in family.events if fevent.type == "Marriage"] for family in families]
Another try (without “[” and “]”) maybe more easy to use in excel:
[Gramps SuperTool script file]
SuperTool-People - Create Excel list of people, dates and places - Example
# https://gramps.discourse.group/t/create-excel-list-of-people-dates-and-places/3168/5
gender, surname, firstname, birth.date, birth.place.name, death.date, death.place.name, death.place.name,
str([spouse.surname for spouse in spouses]).replace("[","").replace("]",""),
str([[(fevent.date, fevent.place.name) for fevent in family.events if fevent.type == "Marriage"] for family in families]).replace("[","").replace("]","")
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