Is it possible to use Gramps Web Sync on Gramps 5.1?


My question appeared because I have read here, that Gramps Web Sync addon requires Gramps 5.2. But unfortunately I need to have such addon on Gramps 5.1.X. Because I need to run Gramps on ancient PC with Windows 7 and last build of Gramps for Windows 7 are 5.1.X (listed here). It looks like version conflict, but I fonud some info about Gramps Web Sync for Gramps 5.1 here:

And also it was mentioned here:

But url not working at the moment (I see 404 error).
So, my question, is it possible to make Gramps Web Sync plugin to work with Gramps 5.1.X ? Maybe it is possible to do with older Gramps Web Sync plugin, than recent version? Is it possible to see some instruction about howto install Gramps Web Sync addon for Desktop Gramps 5.1.X?

I found howto install Gramps Web Sync for Gramps Desktop 5.1 here:

And there is another question very close to described initially. Howto find the last version of GrampsWeb docker container having Gramps 5.1 core onboard?
I see list of images here:

But I don’t understand how to find image with my requirements.
I think I need to use such image with Gramps Desktop 5.1.X, as stated here.

I found that docker image of GrampsWeb with version v24.3.0 has env GRAMPS_VERSION=52. So I think it has Gramps 5.2 onboard. I will search for older versions.

v24.2.1 goes also with GRAMPS_VERSION=52

and v24.1.0 goes with GRAMPS_VERSION=51 !
so, I’ll try to find latest version with GRAMPS_VERSION=51 in range [v24.1.0; v24.2.1)

v24.1.2 also goes with GRAMPS_VERSION=51
v24.2.0-3 also goes with GRAMPS_VERSION=51
So, it looks like v24.2.0-3 is last named docker image with GRAMPS_VERSION=51

Oh, yes, I can see release notes for v24.2.1:

This release is compatible with the newly released Gramps 5.2