What is the best way for users to share SuperTool Scripts? There are several approaches. But it is unclear which would be best. None seem to be the clearly superior option.
On the Gramps Finland Google Group, Pekka Valta (@PeterPower) suggest that the project “maintain Supertool script library on Gramps´ user guide pages”.
Note: We had started a linked list of SuperTool scripts on the wiki a couple years ago and greatly expanded it in November 2023. It is not comprehensive, disorganized, and is hard to keep updated. -
In Using Supertool to import Attributes and URLs - An example, Bruce Jackson (@ebj075) mentions posting his SuperTool Script to a gist on Github.
On Geneanet, Patrice (@PLegoux) shares links to his growing collection of SuperTool script tutorials and library of scripts in his Notion page.
In the Sphinx developer docs for Gramps, there is a “Useful Snippets” section. It is lamentably barren with only a single snippet being added since 2009. The barrier to contributing to this information system is virtually impenetrable.
Here on Discourse, we have a tag for “supertool-script” and code has a Copy button which simplifies transcribing as a .script or “SuperTool Script”-type Note. Discourse can also share
files that could contain a library of such Notes.