Another trick for SuperTool…
My interest in a JSON parser started with the @kku SuperTool help file. helptext.json
I was impressed by the flexibility of that help system and wanted to tweak it. As a novice (or skiddie), I needed more references and examples. (Like linking to the developer docs in Sphinx… or the sample SuperTool scripts. I can never find those at the drop of a hat.) So my SuperTool help has more tabs and more linked topics. Most won’t pass Kari’s litmus tests for consistency and accuracy. So my help variant won’t be rolled into the standard distribution.
If you’re a SuperTool user and haven’t adapted your helptext.json
, you’re working too hard.
The only caveat to customizing is that every update to SuperTool… and its updates are more frequent than other addons… overwrites the customization. Frustrating.
So, a way to simplify reverting to my help customization was needed.
Another thing my SuperTool script collection in a Gramps tree has is: the SuperTool addon 's help file linked as a Media Object in the Gramps User Directory and a copy of my customized help as a Note for that Media object. Now when the update installs, it overwrites the linked media object… but the link persists.
Thus, I can switch to that SuperTool Tree, open that helptext.json
file in the Media category, double click to edit (had to change the default OS association of .json
from a browser to a text editor), open the Note, then copy the contents of the Note to the OS clipboard, then paste into the JSON and save it.
(Actually, since the Ctrl+c keybinding is mapped to copying to the Gramps clipboard, I use Crtl+a select all, Ctrl+x cut, Cancel in the Note Editor then Crtl+a select all, Crtl+v paste, Crtl+s save in the JSON text editor.)