Importing Gedcom file from only imports first person of the file

I’m trying to import a VERS 5.5.5 Gedcom file into the newest windows version of Gramps on Windows 11 and it only adds the first person in the list (me) but not any other people. I tried looking online so I wouldnt have to bother people with this but I failed to find information to help me out. Does anyone know how to fix my problem?

I don’t think that Gramps supports 5.5.5. Can you export it as 5.5.1?

Where does the file come from?

I don’t think I can sadly, gonna look up if I can somehow convert it. I made the file using but that service kinda bugged out on me so I want to use Gramps as a replacement for it.

OK, thanks for mentioning the app. I found it, and there also is an issue about this on GitHub:

And if that’s all, you can open the GEDCOM file in a text editor, look for that 0 TRLR line, and remove it, or move it to end of the file, if there is no such line there.

There’s still a chance that Gramps finds other problems with GEDCOM 5.5.5, which is not really a standard, even though some people think it is. And some of those may also be cured by editing.

It would be quite interesting to see what these are, if any, because there may be a few other programs that follow this non-standard.

I ended up moving 0 TRLR to the end of the file and that worked, thanks for the help! :smiley: (Just deleting it causes an error saying the file is corrupted)

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