Hi all. New user here, looking for help on migrating from Genbox. Has anybody done this that could give me some pointers on the best way to import? Hopefully this will build a knowledge base to help others who may want to do the same thing.
Here’s what I’ve found so far.
I’ve been using Genbox for a very long time but as it isn’t maintained I felt it was time to move to something that was being actively developed, and having found Gramps it looked ideal. So I created a little test database for familiarisation and practice, that went fine. My next step was to export a Gedcom from Genbox and see what happened.
I am running Windows 7. I exported from Genbox using all default settings except for selecting the unicode character set (default seemed to be Ansel).
I note Genbox has a “maximum line length” export parameter; I have so far left this at the default of 70 but perhaps a much longer setting may be advisable?
I note that Genbox has the possibility of selecting the target software: there are 10 possible selections here, including Rootsmagic, Legacy etc but not Gramps. So far I have simply used “unspecified”. I think it’s quite possible that some of these options may be better suited to Gramps than others, but with 10 to choose from it will take a time to experiment. As Genbox has not been updated for many years - the copyright statement is “1994 - 2007” so around 14 years - these targets will not be up to date. Any thoughts as to which options may be worth trying would be welcome. It could be that this one parameter alone may solve many of the issues. I will try the various options but this will take time to evaluate the results obtained from each.
Here are issues I have found so far:
Dates: events with start and end dates appear with an invalid date: eg I had an event of type “military service” and date appeared as “18 APR 1940 AND 9 SEP 1943” and flagged as invalid. If the date editor is invoked it shows the above string in the “text comment” field and the date type is “text-only” when it should be “span” and reading “from 18 April 1940 to 9 September 1943”.
Children order: children were not in correct order within families: fixed by use of “sort children in date order” add-on.
Media: media filepaths not correct as Genbox puts “pref” [and another?] prefix in the path instead of expanding the file reference to a full path. A global edit within Gramps to replace “pref” with the actual desired path prefix is required - it looks like the media manager tool can do this but haven’t done so yet. Unfortunately in Gramps media list the title also appears with a “pref”/ prefix
Other media entries have no path at all, just a filename - not sure yet if I can use media manager tool to fix this also.
Notes: Gramps contains notes not imported correctly caused by a Genbox facility for formatting text within boilerplate templates. For example a death event in Genbox has a cause of death field that is subject to a formatting template with name, death date and time etc: “[P] died <of [T]> [D+L]”. A note appears in Gramps with text like this:
Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID I0052:
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2408: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2409: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2410: 5 DATE 2006-10-09
Skipped subordinate line Line 2411: 6 TIME 18:59:00
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2414: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2415: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2416: 5 DATE 2006-10-26
Skipped subordinate line Line 2417: 6 TIME 00:05:25
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2421: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2422: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2423: 5 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2424: 6 TIME 23:18:46
Line ignored as not understood Line 2427: 2 _PRIMARY Y
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2429: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2430: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2431: 5 DATE 2006-10-09
Skipped subordinate line Line 2432: 6 TIME 18:59:20
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2434: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2435: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2436: 5 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2437: 6 TIME 23:18:38
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2443: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2444: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2445: 5 DATE 2006-10-26
Skipped subordinate line Line 2446: 6 TIME 00:25:14
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2451: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2452: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2453: 5 DATE 2006-10-25
Skipped subordinate line Line 2454: 6 TIME 23:43:22
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2456: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2457: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2458: 5 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2459: 6 TIME 23:23:13
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2461: 2 _DETAIL Influenzal Broncho-pneumonia
Skipped subordinate line Line 2462: 3 SOUR @S203@
Skipped subordinate line Line 2463: 4 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2464: 5 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2465: 6 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2466: 7 TIME 23:17:47
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2469: 4 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2470: 5 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2471: 6 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2472: 7 TIME 23:17:07
Line ignored as not understood Line 2474: 3 _PLACE Withington, Manchester, England
Skipped subordinate line Line 2475: 4 SOUR @S203@
Skipped subordinate line Line 2476: 5 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2477: 6 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2478: 7 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2479: 8 TIME 23:16:54
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2482: 4 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2483: 5 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2484: 6 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2485: 7 TIME 23:22:48
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2487: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2488: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2489: 5 DATE 2006-11-07
Skipped subordinate line Line 2490: 6 TIME 23:16:21
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2495: 4 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2496: 5 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2497: 6 DATE 2006-10-25
Skipped subordinate line Line 2498: 7 TIME 23:45:44
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2501: 4 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2502: 5 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2503: 6 DATE 2006-10-25
Skipped subordinate line Line 2504: 7 TIME 23:45:02
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2506: 3 _DETAIL
Skipped subordinate line Line 2507: 4 CHAN
Skipped subordinate line Line 2508: 5 DATE 2006-10-25
Skipped subordinate line Line 2509: 6 TIME 23:44:34
Tag recognized but not supported Line 2513: 2 _PREF Y
I don’t actually think this matters because the basic data is imported ok, so the issue simply becomes one of either suppressing Genbox from writing these “templated” fields or deleting them subsequently from Gramps. I have not fully investigated this yet.
A more serious issue is that Genbox objects typically have two main notes fields: one of which is labelled research notes, typically not printed in reports. In Gramps both notes for the object are imported with the same type, whereas the research notes should be imported with a type of “research”. As the two can no longer be differentiated once in Gramps this is impossible to fix given the thousands of objects impacted, and given that the research notes may contain sensitive information, and certainly text that should be suppressed from many reports, this is a serious problem.
Places: Places are imported but no place types have been imported. Perhaps because genbox types are not compatible with Gramps types? In Genbox the type represents a location usage or type such as “hospital” or “cemetery”. Genbox places are built up in a hierarchy: each place has a level, the lowest being place level: “local site”, up to “Nation/area” and a higher level place can have may different lower level places connected to it.
Missing data: It’s very difficult at this stage to see if any data is missing. I feel this is a real possibility either because it not in the Gedcom file - eg if I didn’t choose the required Genbox export options - or because Gramps couldn’t/didn’t import data in the gedcom file. All I can do is remain alert for any missing data.