(Gramps 5.1.6 / Windows 11)
My father has spend his last twenty odd years on building the Paternotte family tree. He’s getting pretty old now and is loosing touch with many things in life, including computing. It looks like that I need to take over his administrative legacy.
Dad has always used Gensdata Pro, which is the genealogy software program from the Dutch Genealogy Association (NGV).
Gensdata Pro originates from ye ole MS-DOS era and has grown and grown to date with numerous extensions and added features. Apart from a ‘Windowsification’ I don’t think it has ever gone through a thorough rebuild from scratch, so we can imagine the Spaghetti-monster here. It does not adhere to Windows application standards (e.g. installs in c:\ and requires admin rights) and as such I am reluctant to continue dad’s work within that environment. I think I need to take up the task of migrating to something more up-to-date and open source, such as Gramps.
I want to start off with generating a GEDCOM export from Gensdata Pro. What options should I enable to smoothen the subsequent import in Gramps?
When I import this GEDCOM into Gramps, what challenges should I expect?
Dad’s GDP-database includes a large number of images. What’s the best way to transfer these?
Dad’s Paternotte family tree includes large branches of other families. E.g. from the 2nd generation, the database called “Paternotte” includes the full ancestry of grandmother “Horst”. What is the recommended method of structuring family trees into seperate databases?
Thanks in advance, Stephan