Graphical report of entire database

Hello everyone,

I haven’t found how to get a graphical report of everyone in my database. The problem concerns only one person. One of my ancestors married a man. This man had a brother. This brother is the only person in my database who is not a descendant of my original ancestor, or the husband or wife of one of his descendants. Is it possible to create a graphical report listing absolutely all the people in the database? I tried with the regular Gramps reports and with the Topola add-on, without success.

I use Gramps 5.2.2 - Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon.

Thanks for reading.

Have you read the following thread?

Wow, perfect, thank you very much Emyoulation.
I hadn’t found this thread.

That does the trick :

There are some that can as long as things are connected.
First one is: the Relationship Graph if you select the whole database.


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