Family line graph

Windows 11 V5.2.3. When I go to make the graph where do I go to “Fill the report”?

I’m not sure what you mean. Are you asking how you use the ‘Famliy lines graph’ report (found under Report | Graphs) or are you asking how you start to build your family tree using Gramps?

If the latter, try this tutorial video:

I have a family tree started. I want to print a chart from my tree. When I go to the Reports menu - graphs - family lines graph it says Empty chart, you did not specify anybody. How do I specify someone?

If you have just imported a genealogy tree from another software, there are 2 very important next steps.

Gramps needs to know the “Home Person” and the “Active Person” to define context of the Charts and Reports.

Setting (or, as you said “specifying”) the Active Person (or the Active Record in any category) is easy and familiar. Just click to select a row in any of the People category’s View modes.

Then right-click the selected row in that People category view and choose “Set Home Person” from the context menu that pops up. Or, use the “Set Home Person” option in the Edit pull-down menu.

(The choices of Active Person and Home Person can be changed at any time. Do not worry that you might be locked in.)

In the Family Lines Graph report options, there is the tab People of Interest where you select the person. I just tested the report and added my father to the list and it automatically prompted to add my mother. I have never tested more than the two people.

Next are the Ancestors and Descendants. It is not by generations. If you uncheck the “Limit the number of …” the graph will include all of them. If you check the limit option, the number you choose will be the number of people, not generations to include. I am not sure how the code chooses which to add.

In my example with my parents, I unchecked the descendants’ option to include all. For ancestors I choose an arbitrary limit of 100. I printed out to a PDF (Graphviz). You can experiment with the numbers seeing what output is produced.

If you plan to print to a large-scale printer, determine the size you want in the Paper Options tab.

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