I was wondering if you can help … I want to export a complete family tree with notes and places and pictures from my GRAMPS into a format that family tree maker 2017 can load. GEDCOM will only export the people … I am unable to export the other stuff with it.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Gramps exports to the GEDCOM 5.5.1 version. And that doesn’t allowing archiving the Media files with the genealogical data. That version of GEDCOM can only include the paths to the filename.
If you’ve been experimenting with Exporting, you have probably done lots of changes to the export settings. And those are remembered.
Unfortunately, there is no reset to defaults in the interface. So open the Gramps.ini
from the Gramps User Directory and delete the Export subsection.
Can you explain what you get? A standard export to GEDCOM will have OBJE records that have FILE paths that the importing program can use to import media, like this:
0 @O0003@ OBJE
1 FILE /home/enno/Documenten/archief/aktes/Francis Troy.jpg
In this example, you see a Linux media path, but on Windows, you will get a similar one that starts with a drive letter, a colon, and has backslashes.
I got the entire tree but no media or notes. Thanks for the reply.
Is it dropping ALL notes? Or just the Notes where GEDCOM doesn’t support annotation for those objects?
Do you know why? There are no visible settings to exclude either in a standard GEDCOM export, so if they aren’t there, you can’t blame Gramps, unless there is some bug that we don’t know about.
Hint: Some programs, like Aldfaer, and My Heritage Family Tree Builder, don’t import media, because they haven’t implemented the Gramps way of exporting media as independent objects, which is standard GEDCOM. And from Aldfaer, I know that it shows an error, which suggests that the GEDCOM has errors. And when fellow users put some pressure on its authors, they admit that their own GEDCOM importer is incomplete. My Heritage is even worse, because they just don’t import our media, and show no warning at all. The same thing might happen with notes, when the receiving program expects those as embedded in other objects, instead of independent objects.
What I’m trying to say is that, when you say that you got no media or notes, it suggests that Gramps didn’t export those, and that is very, very unlikely, because Gramps has no option to exclude those at all. And knowing that programs like Aldfaer and FTB simply discard them, my suspiciion is that FTM discards those too.
Can you prove that the media and notes don’t make it to the GEDCOM file?
There are 2 selections that could exclude sets of Notes in the Export options portion of the Export Assistant:
So, Notes that are not attached to the specified people to export (or are private) could easily be excluded by accident.
I know that, but if that’s the case, there is no need to complain. And the standard option is to include all objects, regardless of whether they are connected, or not.
Hi all
I figured it all out. My paths for media and notes had changes when I moved Gramps and it could not find the media paths when I installed into Family Tree Maker. Thanks, you all for your suggestions in helping me find the issues. I am using Family Tree Maker only for their charts (some are better than GRAMPS). Again thanks for the input.
Can you explain what is better in the FTM’charts ? Maybe we can improve the one in Gramps
Many of the charts in Gramps are a bit coarse. They seemed to be designed for low-resolution print and display. But on high-resolution, they look heavy-handed.
Comparing Apples to Apples… here’s a Fan Chart of the same people in the GUIs of Gramps Web and in Gramps Desktop.
Something to keep in mind… no matter how much any particular software is enhanced, some competing software will be have advantage in particular areas. So investing in improving the export and import is going to always be a force multiplier.
This is one of the charts that I made a few years ago for my family website and wanted to update it. I used CRAMPS for everything and then export to GEDCOM into FTM 2017 to create the charts.
Peter York
(Attachment Jovan Descendant_opt.pdf is missing)
PDF attachments are not accepted by the forum software. Could you do a screen capture? (It is understood that this loses any resolution-independent capability.)
By default, Discourse supports attaching: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, and avif
In addition, support for attaching .gramps files has been allowed.
Our settings allow pdf files, but there is a maximum attachment size of 8MB. Changes to this setting also require changing a setting on the web server which I don’t have access to.
Did you try the GraphView plugin ?
No I didn’t … I will have to try that … thanks
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