Delete a Family

Hi I’m running. Docker Linux version 5.2.3 in VM.
I accidentally made a family with both the same person as father and mother. How do i either change the mother or delete this family ? I add a new family with the correct mother and father but the same person family still shows up in the family tree.

In “Gramps for desktops”, I’d recommend using the “merge” feature on the 2 parent families. That would preserve any 2ndry object attachments.

You may have to do things differently with Gramps Web … at least until all the original Gramps features are implemented.

If I had to muddle through without a merge in Gramps for desktops, I’d add Anna LoBianco as a child of her father’s other (more complete) family. Then remove her from the partial family.

Then repeat that for all the secondary objects: citations, gallery objects, notes, etc.

The final step is to remove the final person (Anthony LoBianco) from that family. A family with no people is flushed by Gramps.

Can Command Line batch files of “Action options” be performed by the ‘owner’ of a Gramps Web instance for the Gramps engine features that don’t have a Javascript GUI yet? I suspect not, because Gramps cannot be running when users try to execute batch operations? And since Gramps Web is multi-user, you cannot be assured that the application isn’t running.

Thanks for the information I try that.

I figured it out. You need to select families in the list then select filter toggle to GQL from Simple. Then select the family , click edit button at the bottom and you can edit either parent.


Great you figured it out. But it has nothing to do with the filter. The easiest thing would be to go to the family list and then order by last modified date.

Sorry, I didn’t understand the question.

Currently, we don’t expose the merge feature in Gramps Web API (Gramps Web’s backend), so it’s not possible. There is no technical blocker that would prevent us from adding it.