He noted that this burdened Gramps to its limits. I, however, experienced another oddity. Gramps stopped remembering the last used view mode when switching Categories. Instead, the CardView mode hijacked the Category. (I’ve had to disable CardView.)
Could this be an interaction from FTV preempting the order of view modes in the Charts category? CardView has its own Category navigation system.
(Posted here instead of as a GitHub issue … since I don’t know how to draw Patrice or Chris’ attention on GitHub.)
I don’t use the CardView addon on a regular basis. Maybe that’s why I’m not exactly sure what you mean.
I tried to reproduce your problem by selecting the “Person Card” view in the People category and the “Family Card” view in the Families category, as well as FTV in the Charts category. Switching between categories preserves those selections, i.e. it never jumps back to the default person/family list or the Pedigree chart (I deactivated the option to load FTV as the first chart view).
The problem exhibited when mode selections were opposite your test.
I selected the normal default view modes for the the People and Relationships categories: the Grouped by Surname person list and the original Relationship view mode.
CardView defaults to being a Navigator when clicking an object. (An opposed to the rest of Gramps where the mousing is mostly about merely shifting the Active focus within the Category or opening an object editor.) CardView mouse click move to the Category of the clicked object and make that object active. The original navigation was always to the CardView view mode. @cdhorn later refined that Initial CardView inter‐category navigation would go to the CardView view mode. After being initialized, CardView remembered the user’s last view mode in that Category. (I find the Category switching too “twitchy” in the Relationships CardView. Most of my Gramps time is spent in the default Relationships view mode. Most of my edits, object adding and tree expansion is done from that screen. So it is disorienting when a twitch on the mouse teleports me to another Category.)
But with both CardView and FTV installed, every time a Navigator sidebar Category was clicked, the CardView mode activated. (I use the “Drop-Down” navigator sidebar and “hide” the default “Category” and “Expander” sidebars with the Plugin Manager Enhanced.)
I think that only you, @cdhorn and @kku (Simple sidebar) are doing much Navigator sidebar modifying behavior. Each doing entirely different things to the Navigator: re‐ordering view modes ; mouse alternative to its use, addon Navigator mode. Maybe you 3 could have a side discussion about interactions and avoidance of stepping on each other? Then inform @Nick-Hall if you determine the core needs some isolating changes to prevent unintentional Navigator GUI/event hijacking
I’m sorry, but either I can’t reproduce the problem or I don’t understand the problem.
Here’s what I experienced during my testing and what I found strange: If you deactivate the “load FTV first to make it the default chart” option and restart Gramps, the built-in views in each category are displayed when you click on that category. If you
select the People category and select the Person Card view
select the Families category and select the Family Card view
select the Charts category (FTV is not default, Pedigree view is displayed)
select the Families category and select the Families view (list of families)
select the People category (Person Card view is displayed)
select the Charts category (Pedigree view is displayed)
select the Families category (Family Card view is displayed)
The Family Card is displayed, but not the previously selected Families view (the list of families) in the Families category.
Is this what you’re referring to? Note that FTV was never opened in this process, so this issue should not be related to FTV.
As far as I know, I don’t modify the behavior of the Navigator Sidebar at all. Why do you think this is the case?
Changing the order of view modes in the Toolbar seems to affect the behavior of the Navigator sidebar too. They appear to be sensitive to that order.
And the way Gramps stores its recollection of the last active View mode in a Category may also cause edge cases that I have not tested. If the addon view mode is removed (or a built-in view mode is hidden) via the Plugin Manager Enhanced effectively reducing the list from 4 items to 3. But what if the configuration had stored the “last used view mode”, would inspecting that show it was indexed with the 4th item? (That no longer exists.) Or if it doesn’t use an index but uses a unique ID/name of the view mode, what happens when that remembered ID is now gone?
@cdhorn This new set of alternative navigation options may be having odd behavior unique to my system. It has had a ridiculous number of Gramps versions installed, tweaked, removed and re-installed. So I really ought to flush the OS and rebuild from ground up.
But those edge cases still need to be tested.
So thanks for any testing you can find time to do. I don’t think anyone understands manipulation of Category navigation at the depth you’ve implemented.