Can Person Filter name search be expanded to Internet Path and Description fields

I sometimes need to look up a correspondent by their eMail or username on a forum.

Would it be a big deal for the Internet Path & Description fields to be included in the Name field search of the Person Filter gramplet?

Try the filter…

People with records containing <substring>

I just did a test using “” as the string and it returned everyone with a gmail email record.

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Seems like substring might be a good extra field for the Person Filter gramplet. It would save a lot of repeated drill-downs when looking for a list of email recipients.

Gramps has Internet tabs for People, Places, Repositories. (There are PRs to add them to Families 1116, Sources 1117, Citations 1118, and Media 1200.
See 0000567: Add Internet tabs to Family, Event, Sources, Citation and Media objects)


There are only rules in 2 categories that allow searching for this info. And they do not use similar rules:

If the Internet record is added to more objects, how do people think the data should be searchable?