I’m a few weeks into experimenting with Gramps here. Being “the guy in the family that does family history stuff” I got hit up over the holidays with an ask for an updated family tree.
In the past I’ve shared Ancestor Trees with a primary photo & standard key facts - people know how to read them, the photo catches the eye, etc. I’ve not found a gramplet that supports this however. Am I missing it? Is there one in beta somewhere? Is there some other graphical report recommended for the wow factor for the casual reader?
Related - historically as I’m researching a particular line I’ve often printed (usually to PDF) a… (I don’t know the correct term) – direct ancestor+spouse chart, eg. me to my 14-gg with two people per generation. Is there some way to achieve this?
The ‘Dynamic Web’ report is also comprehensive and includes ‘coloured pictures’ (i.e. trees) that should impress the casual reader : https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php/Addon:DynamicWeb_report
NB there is also a ‘Dynamic Web B’ report in development, which considerably enhances this current Dynamic Web report. It’s not ready yet but it is very promising. See this topic:
Thanks for putting me onto these, I hadn’t seen Narrated Web included an ancestor tree, and I like that web report overall; can see using it in the future. The tree that’s there is essentially what I’m looking for, however, for my specific at-a-glance use case, doesn’t quite fit the bill – I need something I can just hand off to them, such as a PDF or another simple document. Unfortunately, when I try to save this webpage out to a PDF the rendering of the tree drops out so that’s not working.
However… using Interactive Family Tree → Topola seems to render well for the quick overview impression that I’m going for.