Admin user and home person the same?

System info:

Gramps 5.2.3
Gramps Web API 2.5.0
Gramps Web Frontend 24.10.0
Gramps QL 0.3.0
Sifts 1.0.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true
OCR: true
chat: false

Running as a docker container.

I have no experience or usage of Gramps/GrampsWeb or any other family database software. So I’m building a family tree from scratch, one which I hope will be useful for my children, and my various another relatives. This also means I have nothing to upload or import, as I hope I can do it all from the GrampsWeb interface.

But I’ve run into a problem right at the beginning: I want to be both the administrator/owner, and also the Home Person. But as an admin/owner, GrampsWeb doesn’t recognise me as a user. How can I add myself in both capacities? I only have one email address, so I can’t create two identities, as both would have the same email.

Many thanks!

Your login details (admin/owner) is independent of the people in the family tree.

You will need to add yourself to the database first to be able to set yourself as the home persone


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