Are there any limitations to zooming in an image media in Gramps ?
i.e. I’ve a HD image of an old map* and if I zoom in to 100% in XnView I get this:
While in Gramps I can’t go more than this (if I extend the media window fully on my monitor):
I can zoom out but I can’t zoom in with large images. Is there a limitation somewhere?
*Picture properties:
- File type: JPEG
- File size 7.48 MB (7 845 835)
- Width: 11191 px
- Height: 6056 px
- Download link: 2 O 245/46/1 - Projet d'amenée et de distribution des eaux de la grotte de Cauduro, 2e lot, 2e section. Travaux supplémentaires : plan général / - Archives départementales de l'Hérault