Where is my pedigree gramplet ? how to add?

I am using GRAMPS: AIO64-5.2.2-r1-f905d14 on windows 10.

In the En_Gb lang settings.

I wanted to get the Pedigree gramplet. But i cant find it anywhere.

If I look in the folder: GrampsAIO64-5.2.2\gramps\plugins\gramplet there is a pedigreegramplet.py file.

So, how do I choose the Pedigree Gramplet in Gramps ?

In the same directory, there is a “gramps plugin registration” file (ending in .gpr.py) that has information about ALL the gramplets in that folder.

The pedigree gramplet is registered to be available in the splitbars of 4 view categories: People, Relationships, Charts, Geography.

There is a table of built-in gramplets and which categories host them in the wiki:

Revised. Original links were for the 5.1 wiki. The table was greatly improved for 5.2.

Thank you.
I was trying to add this one in the Dashboard.
And thanks for showing the .gpr.py,

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Please re-visit the hotlinks.

Did not notice that the first set were for 5.1 so the updated links are for 5.2

By the way, if the wiki search returns outdated or foreign language results (as it often does) then you can navigate to the current version variant pretty easily:

Click your preferred choice in the Languages bar.

Then change the target version in the URL in the browser’s address:


If you had to change language, the anchor (after the hashtag #) probably won’t work. But at least you’ll be on the right page.

The downloadable offline PDFs of the user guide are more searchable. (Addon docs are not included.)

The Gramps Glossary also works as a hotlinked index for the wiki. We have endeavored to link each glossary term to introductory text in the wiki about the feature and where to find it in the GUI. The Glossary is worth Bookmarking in your browser.

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