Where do we begin collating Example files for 5.2

A new set of example files for 5.2 need to be collated and made available for testing. Where can we do this? And, how can we contribute to it in a controllable fashion?

We will need to maintain many of the current example families so that wiki examples are easy to follow, some of the data has always been inappropriate. (The images were evidently sourced from an “ugly people” site 17 years ago. This origin shows up vividly with some of the metadata tools in development. To side-step today’s “political correctness” maelstrom, they have to be replaced.) We need some modern image format metadata and sidecar data anyway.

The issues are being “related” to:
0012394: [Example.gramps]Example.gramps changes needed for v5.2

Do you have the list of what examples are needed to cover existing and new 5.2 functionalities ?

If so, everyone could participate, sending a coherent set of its own data or specially made to cover the need and illustrate one or more functionalities and you can check the entries in your checklist

I’ve a lot of events with an associated note “waiting for 5.2 to be attached to a place” i could share if that can be usefull.

About your KML issue, I’ve these contents I can share if they can be utile to you (KML file is linked in one of these tweets, in French but Tweeter can translate them for you):



This tutorial in French and English show how to create these KMLs (I don’t know why the link display Notion ad and not my page header and image (Notion or Discourse issue?), but the link is the good one, you’ll be directed to the page):

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These would make great inclusions for example.gramps in the 5.2 version. Thanks!

Although there is no animation support for KML polygons yet (as @Nick-Hall suggest below), perhaps we should include a sequence of dated KMLs in anticipation?

But before we trip over our enthusiasm, we need a place to collate suggested inclusions.

And a way so that multiple contributor don’t swamp the system with too many files where the extraneous change hide the desired update. (For instance, importing can update every record with a tag & a source by default. It would be unworkable trying to wade through all that “change” background noise.)

The Import Merge Tool by @prculley creates a short-lived worklist of mergeable changes. Maybe the list objects could be routed to the export as workable delta file? (Are imported .gramps object handles persistent enough across trees to allow backlinks to an object that wouldn’t be included in the delta file?) Then the Delta file could just be imported directly to populate that merge Tool.

I made this .gpkg file from the previous KML example based on the only interesting person to reproduce it. The media contains a little more than just the KML file because of the various sources attached to the different objects, but the data.gramps file it contains works correctly and reproduces the KML layout in the Geography view


93MB is a bit big for a KML tutorial support file.

Number of new objects imported:
  People: 1
  Families: 0
  Sources: 14
  Events: 4
  Media Objects: 58
  Places: 15
  Repositories: 7
  Notes: 37
  Tags: 18
  Citations: 17
Let's see what is the minimum needed to be moved to the Example.gramps file.

Also, I’ve adopted a process for sharing Gramps trees uses The “To Do” Gramplet in the Dashboard to communicate about the Tree. You might find it helpful too. It could include links to point to your tutorial.

(It is undocumented how the Gramplet decides which “To Do” type note to display. So I copy the content of the “To Do” that appears to another note and re-attach it. Then detach the original and edit the content to become my “Tree-wide To Do” note.)

Appended is an importable Person to replicates the example Person in the Display Name Editor.

This stripped XML works well with the Import Text Gramplet. The reason to include this person is: it makes a useful test sample to use when designing name formats in Reports.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE database PUBLIC "-//Gramps//DTD Gramps XML 1.7.1//EN"
<database xmlns="http://gramps-project.org/xml/1.7.1/">
    <created date="2022-10-25" version="AIO64-5.1.5-1"/>
    <person handle="_f28a0a45f701a44b20ffc59f82f" change="1666716823">
      <name type="Birth Name">
        <first>Edwin Jose</first>
        <surname prefix="von der" connector="and" derivation="Patrilineal">Smith</surname>
        <surname prim="0" derivation="Matrilineal">Weston</surname>
        <surname prim="0" derivation="Patronymic">Wilson</surname>

Maybe the 5.2 updates to the example.gramps file could be included as a To Do Note with “Import Text” Gramplet compatible content? It could be designed to demonstrate use with To Do” gramplet?

An update might provide the most “backward compatibility” for existing bug reports.

For the change in Citation tabs to show and sort on Date of citation, need a good example where date of the citation is an important characteristic.

See the PR 1180 where the functionality is added and where a Will/Probate/Obit notices in a newspaper are the example

For me, it’s very useful when the source is a newspaper and the person is mentioned frequently, for example:


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The Discouse forum now support attaching
.gramps file type.

So importable additions to the example.gramps file can now be posted here.

Discourse now accepts .gramps files as an attachable filetype.


Even though it is an addon, some sample data for the Forms Gramplet would reduce some confusion about its use.

The 1950 US Census was recently released and would be a good example. Could you show us how you would expect to enter data for that?

A good reference person would be the Director (Dr. Roy Victor Peel) of the Census Bureau during the 1950 census. (I was going to use President Truman but he was vacationing in the Florida Keys at that time. So a person in Washington DC was better.)

Attached is a tiny XML with the 3 people boarding together where he was residing. They have all passed. It also has Dr. Peel as a Bookmarked person.

How would the Form/Census gramplet gramplet but used to link these 3 people. (I have set up a shared residence for that date and a Note about the Census with a link to the image for that page. I also don’t use Media much. But maybe its Media object image could be an example of a URL image path?)

Census1950.gramps (10.4 KB)

I am attaching how I use the 1950 Census Form. I tried to use a gpkg export with the media, but Discourse does not allow. So am including image and gramps as separate files. I got the image from FamilySearch. I always download and store media as i do not trust a URL to persist.

Census1950.gramps (3.6 KB)

Note, I do not use Occupation or Residence events that overlap with the Census event. But I left yours in place.

BTW, it might be better to choose a person where someone in the family has a sample line (more details at the bottom of the census page).

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Does the Form tool support that breakout detail page in the 1950 Census?

You have to relabel the .gpkg as a .zip instead.

Although linkrot is a valid reason to avoid URLs, we need an example of an online Media object. It can be used to demonstrate addon tools that harvest remote media.
And we can always link to the image on the Gramps-Project wiki. We will be using the image in the docs anyway.

Yes, there are additional fields in the form which are unused unless the person is one of the 6 special lines where more details are provided. In this case, you can enter the data in the form.

The Forms gramplet does not support a URL option. The information headers are Details (where you enter each person and their data), Headings (pre-filled by the form template and not edited), and Gallery (add or delete media).

During the data entry phase, the user is in the Details section adding people and transcribing info from the census. And the user can upload a media object into the gallery section.

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I don’t use the form addon. But the results seem odd to me. The data shows in the shared attributes for the Census event but not in the form that appears when drilling down in the Gramplet:

Reviewing, it looks like I am using a non-standard form_us.xml file and the field names are different.

Here is an updated gramps file that should have all of the fields correct.

Census1950.gramps (3.8 KB)

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Great! Thanks very much.

Patrice said he will look for Mssr. Loiret’s vitals. Confirming his death is important before sharing his info. He’d be about 113 in 2023. So it’s pretty likely.