Understanding Gramps 6.0

Perhaps something like this? (copy and then paste into the Import Text gramplet):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE database PUBLIC "-//Gramps//DTD Gramps XML 1.7.1//EN"
<database xmlns="http://gramps-project.org/xml/1.7.1/">
    <created date="2025-01-16" version="5.2.4"/>
    <note type="General">
      <text>Gramps 5.2 added new styling options:

To supplement Italics, Bold and Underline found in Gramps 5.1 Note styles;  Strikethrough, Superscript and Subscript text decoration buttons were added to the Gramps 5.2 Note Toolbar.</text>
      <style name="italic">
        <range start="53" end="60"/>
      <style name="bold">
        <range start="62" end="66"/>
      <style name="underline">
        <range start="71" end="80"/>
      <style name="link" value="https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Entering_and_editing_data%3A_detailed_-_part_2#Note_tab">
        <range start="90" end="112"/>
      <style name="strikethrough">
        <range start="115" end="128"/>
      <style name="superscript">
        <range start="130" end="135"/>
      <style name="subscript">
        <range start="146" end="149"/>
      <style name="link" value="https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Gramps_5.2_Wiki_Manual_-_Entering_and_editing_data%3A_detailed_-_part_2#Note_Toolbar">
        <range start="198" end="221"/>

Added link to the original posting to complement the Gramps Web link.
(Where do we begin collating example files for 5.2)