In the list of Families is a column for Relation type namend ‘Relationship’. In the window of Family this variable field is called ‘Type’.
Using $u[Relationship] or $u[Type] does not work for variable substitution. So, my question is if there is - like $j for Gramps ID for the marriage - a key in the set of marital variables for variable substitution of Type of Relationship.
I found a trick myself, but not an elegant one (in my opinion): in attributes one can define a key named for instance ‘Marital status’ and value ‘unmarried’. In fact you have to enter the Type twice, once as a variable and again as an attribute.
Maybe an idea for the next upgrade of Gramps to add Relation Type in the set of substitution keys?
Great! When you file the feature request on MantisBT, please link to this Discourse thread in the “Additional Information” section.
So although you will have to re-write the detailed suggestion for the implementation in the (Summary, Description and “Steps To Reproduce”) sections above, you won’t have to regurgitate the backgound reason for the request because that is already in this dicussion thread.