Simple Sidebar Modification

Is it possible to create a simplified version of the Expander Sidebar currently the contents of my Sidebar are as per image attached

However this involves excessive/unecessary mouse movement opening each group all I want is a simple list as follows

Grouped People


Graph View


Place Tree

All Known Places
All Places Related to Events
Place Coordinate Gramplet View

Citation Tree




Any thoughts gratefully received

GRAMPS: 5.1.6
Python: 3.10.12 (main, Jul 29 2024, 16:56:48) [G…
BSDDB: 6.2.9 (5, 3, 28)
sqlite: 3.37.2 (2.6.0)
OS: Linux
Distribution: 6.8.0-40-generic

I made a quick experiment. See

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There’s one BIG (literally) problem. The Show text label beside Navigator buttons option in the General tab of Preferences (that make the Navigator usable) grab a crazy amount of screen space. Mostly because of the overly verbose Geography view mode names.

Yes, I know. Maybe they can be shortened or split to several lines. Will investigate.

How does this look like?

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I prefer the Drop-Down navigator (with the text labels disabled in preferences). In the menus, there are still labels and the main category Icon toggles to the most recently used view mode in each category. The larger icons are more touch-screen friendly too.

And by disabling all other Navigator modes (by hiding in Plugin Manager Enhanced), you buy back the space stolen by the width of the Navigator mode selector.

Can you play with the delay in showing Tooltips for the Navigator splitbar? If it had a fraction of a second delay instead of a 2-second, then the labels might be unnecessary.

I don’t understand. Where is the two second delay? I get the tooltips almost immediately:


There was a delay added to to the interface when rolling the mouse over parts of the GUI caused tooltips to flash annoyingly. So you had to hover/dwell over a GUI element to cause the tooltip to appear.

On my fedora, the mouse pointer has to stop moving and dwell for between 1 and 2 seconds before a Tooltip is drawn.


The tooltip delay in GTK is controlled by a setting called gtk-tooltip-timeout. This setting specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the cursor needs to hover over a widget before the tooltip appears. Here are some key points about this setting:

  1. Default value: The default value for gtk-tooltip-timeout is typically 500 milliseconds (half a second)
  • Deprecated setting: As of GTK 3.10, this setting has been deprecated and is now ignored by the toolkit
  • This means that in modern GTK versions, you can’t directly control this delay through the gtk-tooltip-timeout setting.
  • Automatic behavior: In current GTK versions, the tooltip behavior is handled automatically by the toolkit, considering factors like user interaction patterns and system settings.

OK. So nothing can be done :grin:

Yeah. Sadly.

But I try to admit when I asked for something that isn’t viable too.

With the text labels, there is an additional spacing between Categories. Although with no labels, you get larger icons.

@comeng if you install this and it meets your needs, you can use the Plugin Manager (menu >> Help >> Plugin Manager) to Hide the other three sidebar options. This will cause your favored option to be used when launching Gramps…

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Kari, Thanks for that exactly what I wanted as you can see from screen shot


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This might be a good plugin to test with the improved support for specifying an icon in the Gramps Plugin Registration (

If you find more representative icons for some view modes, you might be able to dispense with the labels. Maybe get the screen space back.

I am a simple type only do this if you can select Text or Icon I much prefer Text

The only ones that are an issue are the Geography ones
“All known Places” should be “All Places”
“All Places related to Events” should be *Places with Events"
an Extra and more beneficial/useful “Places without Events”
“Place Coordinate Gramplet View” should be “Place Coordinates”

This can be done with a custom filter in the Filter Gramps in the All known Places view.

Use the Rule: Places with a reference count_of <count>

You might want to limit in combination with an Enclosed by place to avoid overloading the view.

It might be more actionable to use that filter in the Place views.

You can hack those text labels for Navigator view modes in the Gramps Plugin Registration ( file accompanying the module.

There is only one line in each related to how the view is labeled in the interface: the name (Gramplets have an additional gramplet_title definition.)

As with every “hack”, this modification will be lost when new releases of Gramps are installed. So I recommend putting a dummy person named Gramps into your tree that has a “To do” Note with a list of your hacks. You can link to where the hack is deescribed in this forum or the actual step-by-step instruction. Noting the reasoning for the hack is helpful when years go by between usages.

My argument would be that generally Places would have been created as
the result of an event however it is quite frequent that you would
delete events having proven them incorrect and therefore leave behind a
Place without an Event
And having “Places without Events” would be more appropriate for quick
access no need for a custom filter.
In my next round of simplifying GRAMPS interface “Events with Places”
will vanish as unnecessary

Suggesting something doesn’t make it happen, regardless of how well-constructed the logic. (And not everyone will agree with the reasoning or the proposed corrective action.)

The change has to be merged into the built-in plug-ins before the sporadic enhancement releases. Add-ons enhancement don’t have the frequency limitations. But you have to convince the Author to merge the change.

A proposal to shrink labels on the Geography views before. Things were discussed and agreed upon… but the change was never merged.

As an example, I disagree that a separate view for “Places without Events” adds enough value. Particularly when a filter does the task and such a view would only be usable in a small Place Hierarchy.

Hi Brian

No issues with any or your points so it will just be gone no problem
and my version of 5.1.6 will just be a little more customised as I
presume is everyone’s

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