Probably this might be answered the best by Spanish genealogists.
After a couple of weeks using Gramps I am still a bit confused with the limits of Repository, Source and Citation.
I use to have these cases:
A) Birth certificate: In Spain, since 1871, we have had a Civil Registry in every municipality in the country. These register births, marriages, deaths… For example, if you need a copy of a birth certificate you have to request it at the Civil Registry of the municipality where the birth took place giving the full name, birth date, and parents names. In the copy they give you, they also specify reference data about the location of the certificate (volume, book, page). I can not access the books by myself.
B) Baptismal record: In Spain each diocese has an archive where they keep the books of baptisms, marriages and deaths of each parish. Many times I can access the baptismal books by myself.
C) I get a multiple page document where my relatives appears in some places.
Example of cases:
A) I obtain from the Civil Registry of Barcelona a copy of a birth certificate with references (volume, book and page).
B) I obtain from a Diocesan archive a copy of a baptismal record.
C) Census of municipality.
Until now for cases as A) Civil Registry I was splitting like:
- Repository: Civil Register of Barcelona
- Source:
- title: Birth certificate of given person,
- publication info: details about volume / book / page,
- gallery: I attach the copy of the birth certificate I got.
- Citation: In field volume/page I used to set like “full document” because this certificates are at most 3 page long, and I feel don’t need to be more specific.
So the given certificate is the Source, is this approach right?
But now I have baptismal records. They are very similar to Civil Registry certificates. I have the Diocesan Archive, I have a parish baptismal book, and I have a copy of the baptismal record.
Now I have the feeling that the baptismal book should be the source, and the baptismal record the citation. Then I should attach the baptismal record to the citation, and not to the Source.
I want to be as much consistent as possible.
That makes me think about I should change the approach about Civil Registry certificates, and the source should be the incomprehensible Civil Registry reference details, and the Citation the birth certificate itself and attach the media to the citation instead of to the Source.
How are you splitting that?
Thanks for your