Reports within grampsweb

Are there no Reports enabled in grampsweb, or do I have to do something (like load add-ins, and if so, how?)

Whatā€™s the problem? All the ones the ā€œReportsā€ page shows should work.

As a brilliant and very attractive lawyer I used to date would say ā€“ ā€œAssuming facts not in evidenceā€

What reports?

How many people are in the database? Can you check the browser console for GET requests to the /api/reports endpoint?

What is the correct structure for the URL? If I try https://f.q.d.n/api/reports I get

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

Sorry, trailing slash.

{ā€œmsgā€:ā€œMissing JWT in headers or query_string (Missing Authorization Header; Missing ā€˜jwtā€™ query paramater)ā€}

Go figure . Now the reports are showing up. I need a drinkā€¦

And since you askedā€¦

Database Summary Report

Number of individuals: 18076
Males: 8968
Females: 8626
Individuals with unknown gender: 482
Incomplete names: 10
Individuals missing birth dates: 6148
Disconnected individuals: 70
Unique surnames: 4096
Individuals with media objects: 103

Family Information
Number of families: 6044

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A post was split to a new topic: Errors selecting Reports on new GrampsHub account