Gramps 5.1.4 on Arch Linux and Windows.
So, I’m working on my family tree with my… family (I know, what a surprise). And recently I have installed Gramps for my mom on her Windows machine, but I also use two computers (both Arch Linux). I use Nextcloud to sync between the computers.
Now, the issue is that while I use the relative paths for the media, when I set up the root directory for relative paths, that is saved in the database, so it won’t work when synced between multiple computers. With my laptop and desktop, I just well, manually changed it when I needed to work with it on the other computer, but I can’t really expect my mom to do the same on her Windows machine, as she is not that technical minded.
Is there any way to force Gramps to use a root directory for relative paths that’s configured outside the purview of the database?