Questions from a potential new user on a Chromebook

I’m considering using Gramps, but not sure if it will work with my setup. I’m on a Chromebook with 32GB eMMC drive (6.5GB free), 4GB ram, Celeron N4020 CPU. Is that plenty to run Gramps, and if so, can I use a USB drive to store pictures and other files that I want to show in Gramps? Or would it be possible to install everything on an external drive? Assuming that my questions have positive answers, is there a step by step on how to install it on a Chromebook? Sorry for being so uninformed.

There is a problem report that Gramps works with ChromeOS but with an unresolved problem with the Gtk interface library. A drag’n’drop incompatibility exists — it drags but won’t drop.

So that equates to a “No, Gramps is not fully compatible with Chromebooks.” Sorry.

Despite that drag’n’drop incompatibilty, @GeorgeWilmes reports that he has been using Gramps on a Chromebook for several years.

Yes. Initially I was running Gramps on a Mac mini, and sed the Chromebook’s remote desktop feature to access it when I was away from home. Then when Linux became available on Chromebooks, I installed another copy of Gramps there, mostly just because I could.

I think you’d need more than 6.5 GB free in order to carve out space for Linux. If you go into Settings - Advanced - Developers, that’s where you set it up, and there’s a Learn More link that you should read first. You could store your pictures and other files on a USB; Gramps lets you choose where to store such things.

The problem with the drag-n-drop issue is that it prevents you from using the clipboard feature within Gramps (unless there’s another way to get things on and off of it, that I’m not aware of). That’s not an essential feature, until you learn that it exists, then you can’t live without it.

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Follow the Flatpak Chrome OS Quick Setup guide to install Flatpak. The link includes a list of compatible devices.

Then install Gramps from Flathub.

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Thank you very much for the replies. I’ll check out the “Learn More” link, then go from there. I appreciate everyone’s time to reply.

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@GeorgeWilmes Have you experienced any problems with ChomeOS finding the media or database folders? A Chormebook user posted on the Gramps-I forum on Genealogy dot net about having problems where his Trees have disappeared after upgrading. I’m wondering if the XDG Base directory change is affecting all ChomeOS users?

Clarification: his issue is accessing media on Google drive, not local trees

I’m unable to open the link you posted (“Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”). But yes, using 5.2.1 on my Chromebook, I can access my media on Google Drive. In Preferences, the Base Media Path is set to /mnt/ChromeOS/GoogleDrive/MyDrive/whatever.

Thanks for the reply George. Cross posted your answer

Looks like you need to be a registered user to even read their site. (It interferes with Google Translate’s ability to covert the pages/threads too.)

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