@OlliL also did some optimization, memory usage and multi-threading tests when enhancing the “Verify the Data” tool for the 5.2 release. His tests and results are interesting reading. And he might be able to suggest some resource usage tests for your Forms enhancement.
Yes, clicking a button to generate new conclusion events according to user settings is a good idea. Step 1: enter the transcription and then step 2: generate or regenerate objects.
In Gedcom 7.0 it is now possible to have an ASSO tag under an event. This is how they model multiple participants for an event. There is a ROLE tag under the ASSO tag.
There are some roles that we are missing. They now have Father, Mother, Parent, Child, Friend, Neighbour, Officiator and Multiple (for multiple births). We should probably add these to our event role types. I also note that Bride and Groom have now become Wife and Husband. Should we change these? Do we want to add any more standard types?
You need to be aware that if a participant of an event has a role other than Primary or Family, they will not show up in all reports. Are you planning to use the event role type for the relation to head of household column? If so, we will need to consider how to handle this issue.
As far as the persona concept is concerned, I think that it is a good idea. However, it will need changes to our data model, so you probably don’t want to include this in your initial contribution. If you are interested in developing this feature in the future, then let me know.
I actually didn’t know about this! I will add this and the ASSO tag information to my “To look into” list.
Also quite glad they have added the “Multiple” role. As a fraternal twin descended from long lines of other fraternal twins it’s something I like to keep track of.
I will likely be interested in contributing to main gramps development in the future. I think starting with an addon will help me learn what I need to about the apis to help out in that area.
Another quick update: I think i’ve got the basics down for how I want the menu layout:
Basically every form can be selected, and the right side panel is updated to match. The side part will be populated automatically with whatever tags are in the xml form. These will have a spot for each attribute where the user can choose if they want to map that field to an event type. That way when new forms have been added they will automatically get their own settings page.
You might want to include the Census check quickview report in your toolbox too. It may require some registration tweaks to make it compatible with whichever version of Gramps you are using.
What would be really useful features on existing Form Addon
- The Reference: which in my case becomes the Citation could be
produced by Concatenating the Attributes such as Piece, Folio, Page,
Household Schedule Number these would have be selectable for each census
as there are changes over time - The attribute Street could automatically become the Place:
Example 1871 England & Wales Census (Note a UK Census does not exist)
Reference “PRO Ref RG10 Piece 4078 Folio 96 Page 40 Sch 191”
Made up of Headings Attributes
PRO Census Reference RG10
Piece 4078
Folio 96
Page Number 40
Household Schedule Number 191
Street Address
Yes. That should work well.
Sometimes two attributes may map to the same event. Place of Birth and indirectly Age may map to a Birth event for example.
Do we want the ability to provide a few predefined mappings in the form definitions? In this case the user would only have to toggle them to be enabled or disabled.
Does your list of forms list only those in use? Perhaps we could add an option to automatically link a form definition to a source.
Perhaps the user could define a format of their choosing. A simple python f-string format would probably be sufficient. For example:
“PRO Ref {PRO Census Reference} Piece {Piece} Folio {Folio} Page {Page} Sch {Household Schedule Number}”
I like this, I will probably incorporate it. There could be a default citation format based on the evidence explained citation format and an option to build your own citation format from the fields.
This is true I will consider this in the design. Maybe an option to select which fields reference the date, description, and location. I will of course need to also include options for how to make the program handle irregular formatting.
I like this idea. It could be done through a configuration file load and save mechanism, with the configurations available listed in a drop down menu or something. People could then also save their own configurations in new ‘templates’.
I actually moved the forms all into a single folder within the addon. The program is currently working by identifying all files in that folder, then all form ids in the file.
I like the idea of being able to bring greater specificity to what event template is used for each individual source. Maybe I could implement a sort of inheritance mechanism. The current form_id attribute attached to a source is considered the master configuration, then adding more attributes can specify overrides to the configuration the user has selected as the default. That way if one instance of a source, such as the 1910 census for a specific city has a weird quirk of what value goes in what field, the user can apply a patch for that weird quirk to the source for that city while keeping all others at the default configuration.
I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to provide feedback as I work! I learned the Agile software development workflow when I was doing internships which emphasizes the importance of getting feedback iteratively for changes.
I find it helps a lot with establishing what will actually be useful, directing my development process, and redirecting me if something is not actually necessary. It makes developing much faster.
So thanks to all for continuing to help me out, I read every response and consider all suggestions!
I’ve run into a bit of an issue and wondering if someone knows where the piece of code I am looking for is.
I am looking for the code that creates the combobox for the event selector here:
I’d like to use the snippet to replace the empty comboboxes I have included:
I am a user of the actual Form plugin for recens, births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, burials.
In this Form plugin, shared events have many informations created as attributes.
In your future plugin, would it be possible to put an private option (Y/N) for these attributes?
Thanks in advance.
It’s a MonitoredDataType widget. You can see how it is used in the event editor at line 194.
Now that you are wrting GUI code you should read our UI style guide and also the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines (HIG).
Sure that should be simple enough to implement.
Thank you will do! Right now I am just laying out a basic interface so I can get the the logic worked out and connected on the backend side. I will certainly make revisions to follow these guidelines once I’ve gotten past the first draft though!
I agree. Don’t worry too much about the UI yet. I just didn’t want to surprise you with the guidelines later.
And just got this working! Thanks!
I think I am going to change the orientation of the the settings in the app. By making the settings row based instead of column based I can solve the multiple fields to build one event problem. The idea will be that a little plus button or something will allow the user to create a new setting under a column header. Using Occupation as an example:
In a US census:
- The date of the census can be mapped to the occupation date
- The census location can be mapped to the occupation location
- The occupation can be added as the occupation description
(Ignore the default birth event fill)
I also have an idea for maybe implementing a complex event build data type that can be used for building event mapping definitions that are more detailed than what can be achieved with the standard builder. It would work similar to the proposed citation format builder in that it would be built from a text string.
Should the user add this custom object to the builder, then the fields in the object could be mapped to fields from the template. As an example with the occupation again- a custom description builder could create a sentence from details such as the persons occupation, the number of weeks they worked over the year, the industry they work in, etc. If I do implement this there will be a master setting that must be enabled to see related gui elements since it could get very confusing for people who don’t want that functionality.
Taking this a step further
Whilst my family consider me to be a rather set in my ways dinosaur and I originally rejected your idea and became protective of the existing Forms Addon.
I have been letting the idea mature in my head and maybe I can support it more
My Traditional Research Path
Acquire a name Tag it as Speculative
Find birth Enter on Gramps
Find baptism Enter on Gramps
Find census Enter on Gramps
Find marriage Enter on Gramps
Find census Enter on Gramps
Find death Enter on Gramps
Find burial Enter on Gramps
Find probate Enter on Gramps
I have separate Forms for all of these.
So potential new Research Path
Find birth Temporary Store info
Find baptism Temporary Store info
Find census Temporary Store info
Find marriage Temporary Store info
Find census Temporary Store info
Find death Temporary Store info
Find burial Temporary Store info
Find probate Temporary Store info
Use Forms to enter all information in one go on Gramps simply going from Form to Form
Suggestions see attached
Item 1 Combo Box dropdown list of Event Description which I currently store in a spreadsheet examples are:-
DOD from Cremation Record
DOD from Burial Register
DOD from Obituary
DOD from Probate
DOD from Memorial Inscription
This should go into all the people named in that event
Item 2
Data Entry box Placed Enclosed by enter Place ID
Item 3
Reference which my case is also the Citation to be generated by concatenating attributes in Headings see Form2 PRO Census Reference, Piece, Folio, Page Number, Household Schedule Number
Item 4
2nd Selector/Filter for People within 2 generations of the selected person rather than dropdown list of entire database
Currently I am running Gramps 5.1.6 as my main program, however I have a separate PC with 5.2.2 on it whilst I prove I am happy with the upgrade so I would be more than willing to act as a guinea pig for any testing you may require. My OS is Ubuntu 22 Mate