Number of people mismatch

GRAMPS: AIO64-5.2.3-r1-aa03f5a on Win 10

At the top of my Quilt Chart, to the right of the ‘Clear’ button it says:

You have filtered 413 people, 413 people shown on the tree and 412 people in your data base

How can the chart filter and show more people (413) than there are in the db (412)?

What type of filter are you using.

I’m testing on a very small database. With no filter running I have 0 filter people 57 shown on tree, 57 in database.

One possible to look for, is someone a parent of a family with an unknown spouse where you have left the spouse field empty?


one person counted as a spouse in two families?

It looks like the code keeps a “count” as it walks through. So it could be a simple logic error. But you should probably do a backup, then a repair to be safe.

None. My tree is small and when I export it, Gramps tells me it contains 412 people, not 413.

That’s a possibility. I have at least one family where I have no father details, as the birth record gives none.

I have more than person in the tree who has married more than once so if this was the problem you would you not expect a difference of greater than one in the two counts?

I’m busy over the weekend so it will be a while before I can do a backup and repair to see if that helps.

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I investigated this out of curiosity.

I could reproduce the issue and it appears that there indeed is a logic error in the code. However, this defect is seen only if there is a person with repeated ancestors (i.e. there is pedigree collapse). In that case the code “finds” a person via two different routes - this possibility is not taken into account. It also depends on who is selected as the active person.

As a simple example here is a tree where the same person (A4) is a repeated ancestor for A1 (i.e. her parents A2 and B2 are cousins). The selected person is A1.

The quilt chart shows (and counts) the person A2 twice.

The extra A2 is not active (clicking it does not do anything) and it also does not have the black marker

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Ah yes! That’s it!

My tree includes someone who married his first cousin and there are two entries for him in the quilt chart, one of which is inactive.

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