New FamilyTreeView Addon

I always have to install the addon manually. The link on Gitub leads nowhere.

It doesn’t work in the browser but Gramps can access the files. You’ll also get a 404 error when you try to open Gramp’s default repository in a browser (copy and pasted from the Addon Manager):

See also this comment from above:

I updated the addon to only distinguish between primary and all events if it makes a difference for the person in the panel. In the config window, all options are visible because they apply to all persons including those where the distinction makes sense.

The alternative lines under the Experimental tab are much better. Not so long anymore. Maybe you could spread the distance between the horizontal lines a little further. Otherwise you get lost in all the lines.
Now you just need to increase the maximum width of the viewing window. The outer parts of the tree are cut off.
The window is already too small in the eighth generation.
Can you also increase the maximum number of generations? From 15 to 25 or 30 (or even more!!)?
Yes, I know that’s a lot, but I’ve never had a tree displayed so quickly and would like to test it with 30+ generations.
I’ve never been able to navigate to the older generations so quickly.

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Ok, i see the maximum is 25 Generation. Can i have more :wink:

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Sorry, thats not the checkbox for Number of other families, its the checkbox for Number of children in the Person row that i must be unchecked.

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Yes I increased it from 15 to 25.

How much more?

OK. That makes sense. I’ll look into this again soon.

99 Generations. I would test how mutch i can displayed


I know there will be spaghetti, but I only have one noble line that starts around 1550.

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I just implemented automatic adjustment of the bounds of the canvas. I also increased the generation limits to 100 (in total 201 generations can be visualized; performance may be suboptimal

Please test it and get back to me about any vizalisation issues and performance.

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@PLegoux cross-posted to Geneanet : “Look what Santa Claus has put in his sack, a new addon that is semi-graphical for visuals and semi-textual for others:”

GlopGlop ( @grocanar , Éric) reports (on the Geneanet French language Gramps subforum) that the addon will not display when the project is added to the Addon Manager. GlopGlop’s system is french only.

When browsing the GitHub ‘dist’ branch (, I note that there is only a addons-en.json file and no generic nor french version.

@Nick-Hall is a addons.json required as a fallback in the Addon Manager to support users who do not have English installed in their OS?

Transcribed from Geneanet (since an account is needed to browse)

Re: Nouvel addon FamilyTreeView by glopglop » 24 Dec 2024 05:14


J ai teste le truc malgre mon a priori défavorable :)

quelques petites remarques:

pour l installarion il faut passer en anglais sinon on ne voit pas le greffon dans la liste des greffons.
Il faut egalement sous Fedora installer les dependances Ă  la main quand elle manque mais le message
d’erreur est assez explicite.

Bon c’est pas ma came mais je pense que certains d’entre nous le trouveront utile.
J’ai l impression qu’il concirrence un peu le cardview non pour la vue graphique.

Mais cela ne va pas arranger le cas de GRAMPS pour les personnes qui lui reprochent d’avoir trop de choix diffĂ©rents.
Mais est ce que Papa noel a pense a amener aussi l’ecran qui va avec.
Sur mon 13 pouces je n’ai pas une assez bonne vue :)

Developpeur du greffon GedcomforGeneanet pour GRAMPS

Sans aucun lien avec l’entreprise Geneanet que celui d’ĂȘtre un abonnĂ© premium comme les autres.

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It works great. 100 Generation are enough. :slight_smile:
When setting it to 100 generations, it takes a few minutes for Gramps to finish, but then you can scroll through everything very well

100 generations are enough.
Maybe there is a way you can loosen up the horizontal lines a bit or change the type of connecting lines a bit.

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I’m glad that scrolling etc. works smooth as soon as it is loaded. But it’s unfortunate that it takes multiple minutes to generate the view. I’ll try to optimize that.

I can increase the distance between the lines even more but this will increase the generation distance massively. I’m not sure if this will help.
You can modify the distance yourself, if you want to play around with it. Modify the numer in the line self.connection_sep = 10 in the file Most likely, you have to restart Gramps every time after modifying (and saving) the file.

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Thank you @ztlxltl, you have brought the user interface into the 21st century.
Running on Mac with no problems.
Hope the “Add relative” has a high priority on your todo list.


I dug into the source code of the person edit window and found what I was looking for to display places of events based on the date of the event. I implemented this and pushed it to Github.

As always, let me know if it works for you.


Could you duplicate the English addons-en.json file in the GitHub ‘dist’ branch (FamilyTreeView/gramps52/listings at dist · ztlxltl/FamilyTreeView · GitHub) as a base addons.json to see if that resolves the problem for @grocanar ?

@prculley did a fallback tweak in 2022 to the Plugin Manager Enhanced when Swediish users reported having problems with the Isotammi addon collection. Addon Manager is a later development, uses JSON instead of Text list for the Addons. But is might be a variant of the same problem. Cannot find a MantisBT issue for the GitHub commit. So the fallback issue would be likely to have been overlooked.

Thank you very much!

I’m trying to get a few things done first that are relatively easy to implement and have a relatively large benefit for the users (based on feedback). I definitely plan to implement the “Add relative” feature, but I’m not sure when I’ll do it, as I think it won’t be trivial.

It works now. THX, good Job


I don’t think that this will help. Where did you get the information that an addons.json works as a fallback and that it might help? I cannot find any reference to an addons.json fallback

  • I checked the default addon repository ( path: ./gramps52/listings) and there is no addons.json
  • According to the source code of Gramps, it only looks for files using f"{url}/listings/addons-{lang}.json" (and a 2 character language code).
  • The link you added by editing your comment seems to point to a paranthesis fix. I looked at the code around the fix and it seems that it also only looks for addon files with a language specification in the file name ("%s/listings/addons-%s.txt"). The current version of the plugin uses Gramps’ own code to retrieve the listing files (see above).

Please bear with me for my reluctance to change something that (now) seems to work for most users. I really don’t want to tinker with the working solution unless the change makes sense (to me) and is promising. Sorry (for now) also to @grocanar!